chapter 9

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       Chapter 9

   “Yes. Can you call her parents? So you are her best friend? Okay well we need you to wait out in the hall until she is conscious.” I heard a husky, male voice say. I started to open my eyes and I realized I was in the hospital.

   I went to sit up and I was gently pushed back down. “Doctor! She’s up!” Ever one started running around me, yelling orders at other nurses. I then remembered what happened before I blacked out. And then every thing with my-.

    My baby!

   “Where’s my baby? What’s wrong with her?” I asked trying to sit back up again, but failed again.

   My stomach hurt so much and when I looked up I realized that I had a huge cut in my stomach. All the doctors were trying to stitch me back up.

   “We need to get you stitched back up please hold still.” The doctor was saying. I layed back down, looking around for my baby. There was a bunch of nurses huddled around each other.

   I felt something poke my arm and then I had an oxygen mask over my face. I felt myself start to fall asleep and then I was out.


  “Aaralyn? Aara?” I heard someone say as I slowly came back to consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sky sitting on the side of my bed and my mother was in the chair beside it.

   “My b-baby?” I asked trying to sit up but once again being pushed down and I was getting tired of it.  “Tell me where my baby is!” I yelled.

   My mom got up and came over to my while Skylar got up walking towards the door crying.

  “Sweetheart? I want you to listen to me. You had your baby two weeks early and the doctors have to make sure nothings wrong with it. But she is very beautiful.” My mother said. I wanted to see my baby now.

  “I want to see her. Get the doctor in here now!” I said franticly. My mom nodded her head and went to go get the doctor.

   Skylar came back in not crying anymore. “Are you okay?” She asked.

  “I just want to see my baby.” I told her.

  “I know. She is so pretty.” I was just getting more aggravated by the minute. It seemed like I was the only one who hasn’t seen my own child.

  The doctor came in with a little pink blanket in his arms as my mom trailed behind him. “You baby is just fine. We had to make sure her bones were all fully grown and formed right.” He said handing me the little bundle.

  She was so pretty just like everyone kept saying. And she looked just like Ryder. Black hair and those same icy blue eyes that make you want to just drown in them. 

   She looked so much like Ryder that I started to cry. There was know way I could do this on my own but there was also no way that Ryder would be able to help out with out my mom or the school finding out and anyways he doesn’t want to be in our lives in the first place.

   Both my mother and Skylar came over next to me looking down at my beautiful baby. “So what did you say was her name?” My mother asked.

   “Rylyn.” I said. I was rocking her and soon she fell asleep. The doctor came in and said that me and Rylyn had to stay in the hospital for about three days or maybe a little more because she was still born about two weeks early.

  My mom had to go home and cook dinner and Skylar had to go home to get ready for school tomorrow. I told her to text me in the morning and through out the day if anything happens and she said the same about Rylyn.

   I layed Rylyn down in the baby bed thingy and went to bed at seven thirty. I was so tired and sore. Rylyn woke me up at like two forty five in the morning. I had to feed her and the nurses helped me but it was still hard. Who was I kidding it was only gonna get harder.

   I finally got back to bed and didn’t wake up until seven in the morning when she was hungry again. Sky texted me when I was in the middle of feeding Rylyn.

  “How’s my little baby?”

  “Good she’s eating right now”

  “Okay well I will txt u at lunch. Let me know how she’s doing later and I will come c u guys to night”

  I sent back a quick okay and finished feeding Rylyn. At lunch time the nurses brought in my lunch.

A ham sandwich, some fruit, some pudding, and some mashed potatoes.

  At about 12: 25 Sky texted me asking what I was doing.

   “Eating nasty hospital food. Well actually fruit. It’s the only thing that’s good here.”

  “LOL I would of brought you some food but I got in trouble today and cant leave till school is out.”

  “Oh gosh Skylar what did you do? (:” I asked. She can never stay outta trouble.

    “I tried to skip school after third hour to come c u guys and I got caught.”

  I laughed. Of course. She told me she was on here was to Ryder’s class room and  wondered how he would be today in class knowing I had the baby.

  “I just walked into Ryder’s room and he’s not in here yet.”

  “Okay let me know how he acts okay?”

   “I don’t think I’m going to do that bc he’s not here there is a sub here. But I swear he was here this morning. “

   Some one knocked on my door right before I texted back.

  “No he wouldn’t be.” I texted back. “Bc he’s here.”

Okay so how was that chapter??(:

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