chapter 2

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         chapter 2

    "Hey what are you wearing tonight?" Sky yelled from the kitchen in our hotel room. I finished curling the last strand of hair spraying it all down in hair spray.

    "My tight black skirt with that one flowy purple shirt and that leather jacket. What about you?" I told her walking into the kitchen. "Oh and my grey/black pumps."

     "Sexy! Im gonna wear my short shorts with my off the shoulder top. You know, the blue one?" I nodded. We had been here for a few days and the concert was tonight. We both went out and bought about four different outfits just for this week.

     "Hey what time is the concert starting?" I asked.

   She yelled back "Five!!." I walked in to the bedroom where she was getting dressed. I went to the closet and layed my outfit on to the bed. I slipped on my skirt and my purple shirt.

     "Hey are you wearing your heart neckless? You know the one with the black and pink?"  Skylar asked.

   "No you can wear it." I slipped on my pumps and went into the kitchen. After a minute Sky walked in and checked her phone.

    I grabbed my phone and my purse and headed towards the door. Skylar was folowing  me and shut the door behind us. We didn't have a car so we had to get a cab. Once we got to Madison Square Garden we went in got a couple of sodas and went to go get our seats.


      Our seats were a row away from the front and when the concert started we could see the whole band. And something was different.... There was a different drummer than the original one.

   He had short hair but I couldn't really tell what color it was or his eyes were because of the dark and flashing lights. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was just one of those people who could keep all your attention on them and only them. Even if the place was going down in flames.

   I was dancing and I looked up at the drummer and he was looking at me. He smiled and my knees went weak. It was more of a smirk and I smiled back and looked away.

    "Hey did you notice that the drummer is not Kinton?" Skylar yelled above the music. She was just now noticing that? The concert was already almost over.

   "Yeah I saw." I said and looked back at him just as she did. He was looking at me with that smirk. Of course Sky saw this and went all nut crazed on me like she always does.

   "Ooo ooo!! Did you see that? He was smiling at you!" She said jumping up and down.

    I looked at her and then back at the sexy drummer. He was still looking at us and I smiled back. Then the music stopped and every one started clapping.

    Once we got out to the main lobby part of the building most people had already left. The band came through and went through a door that said EMPLOYEES ONLY . 

   "I have got an awesome idea!" Skylar said in my ear. I'm in trouble. This can not be good.

     "Oh boy! Nothing good ever comes out of your ideas." I told her giving her a doubtful look. 


     "No Im not going to do this! Its wrong and trust passing!" I shouted to Sky.

   "Come on! Quit being a baby and get in there," She said as she pushed me again. Her idea involves us breaking into backstage then breaking into his dressing room and askinging him to go get coffee. She is officially gone nuts!

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