chapter 27

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  Chapter 27

   Aara's POV

   After I dropped Skylar back off at her house, I went to go pick up Rylyn from Ryder's. When I walked through his apartment door some older lady came up to me and started talking.

  "You must be Aaralyn. You are way more prettier than my son has described you." She pulled me into a bone crushing hug and I slowly wrapped my arms around her.

  I looked over to where Ryder and Kinton were standing and gave them a questioning look.

  "Oh Mom, let's not squish her to death. Aara, this is my mother." Ryder said, and then it clicked. Skylar had said that she met Kinton's mother and they had to explain who she was so I was probably mentioned.

  "Hello. It's nice to meet you." I told her setting my stuff on the counter like I always do when I come over.

  "It's nice to meet my future daughter in-law, too. Where's my granddaughter, Ryder?" What is up with all of the wedding talk?

   "Um.. we aren't engaged." I said slowly. I looked from Ryder's mother, which I still don't know her name, and then to Ryder. He gave an apologetic smile and I nodded to let him know that I wasn't mad.

   "Well you will be. I don't want my granddaughter to go through what my grandson has. You know about that right?" I said. I nodded.

   "By the way, where is Chase, Kinton?" I asked trying to change the subject and get it off of me.

   "He is sleeping in Ryder's room." I nodded and went into the kitchen to get me something to drink.

  "Does anyone want anything to drink?" I asked trying to be nice. They all said the where fine so I pored me some tea and went back into the living room.

  "So, what was your name?" I asked Ryder's mother.

  "Oh I'm sorry! My name is Cindy." Cindy said. I flopped down in the chair and grabbed the cover from the floor.

  "Is Rylyn in her room?" I asked. Ryder replied with a yeah and flopped himself down on the couch. As if Rylyn realized I was here she started to cry and call out ma. She started saying it about a week or two ago. Skylar was pissed that she didn't say Sky first. I was actually surprised that she didn't say da-da first but I guess that it's because she is a mama's girl.

  I got up and walked to her room. Her wall's were pink with monkey's and bird's and butterflies all over them. Ryder had bought a lot of toys so she had a bunch of those all over the floor and her crib was brown with pink and yellow blanket set.

  "Hey, baby girl. Mommy's back." I said picking her up. She started saying ma again and I layed her down on the changing table that matched her crib. I changed her and put her pajama's back on.

  When I carried her out to every one Cindy started doing that baby talk stuff.

   "Aww. She's so cute. She look's so much like both of you. Hi, baby. Hi, Rylyn." I smiled and started to hand her to Cindy.

  "Say hi to grandma, Lynny." I went into the kitchen to get her a cup of juice and brought it back to her.

  Cindy, now sitting on the couch next to Ryder, was still cooing at Rylyn and saying how much she looked like Ryder.

  I flopped back down in the chair and looked over at Rylyn. She looked at me and smiled and laughed. I just smiled back. Maybe it's not a bad idea if people think we are going to get married. I just hope he will ask soon.


  Every one left so now it was just me and Ryder and Rylyn. She had fallen back asleep and was back in her crib right now.

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