chapter 14

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   Chapter 14

  “Now I want you to tell me how this happened.” I sat there rocking Rylyn in my arms as I silently freaked out on the inside and wondered how the hell my principle found out the Ryder was Rylyn’s father.

   “Can I call my friend to come get Lynny first?” My eyes flicked towards Ryder’s as I said the nickname. He was smiling but when Mr. Parks, the principle, started talking again he stopped.

   “Yes but make it fast. And does she know?”

  “Um no. She knows that we were dating but we broke up before school. I never told her who he was though. And she never met him.” I had to lie. If he found out that Skylar knew then she would be in trouble too, and I wasn’t going to let her get expelled for me.

  I texted Sky and a couple minutes later she came into the classroom. “Hi baby!” She said as she lifted Rylyn out of my hands. “Text me!” She whispered into my ear.

  After she left with Rylyn I turned towards Ryder and Mr. Parks. I pulled out my phone and texted Skylar ‘Mr. P found out! Delete this message after u read it!’ Then I deleted it.

   “Okay now explain. The both of you.” I looked at Ryder and then at Mr. Parks.

   “Well a couple of months before school had started.” I started to tell the story and it broke my heart as I remembered every moment we spent together. Every laugh, every kiss.

   “We met backstage at a concert. He was filling in for his brother. We started hanging out and eventually school rolled around and we realized the he was my teacher so we broke it off.” I stopped.

   “When Aaralyn started to gain weight and I heard around the school that she was pregnant I thought she cheated on me. I was mad and when she told me that it was mine I knew that I was going to be there for my child. We are not in a relationship any more but Aaralyn does bring Rylyn over sometimes.” It was my turn to cut him off.

   “And the only reason I brought her today was to let the kids see her. They have been asking for weeks.” 

    I looked down into my lap. I started playing with my fingers when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Probably Skylar.

  “You do know it is illegal to date your teacher right?” Me and Ryder both said yes at the same time.

  “Well I’m not going to call the police because you guys aren’t in a relationship anymore but don’t let anyone know that you are that baby’s father. Okay?”

   We nodded but before I left I had to know one thing. “Is Ryder going to loose his job? Because if you are going to fire him, don’t. Expel me instead.” I didn’t want him to get fired because of me.

   “I’m not going to fire him considering that this happened and stopped before you found out that he was your teacher.”

  I said okay then I went to go find my best friend and my little baby.

    “How did they find out?! Did someone tell? And if so then who? We never told anyone.” Skylar shouted as she paced my room. I had no clue who could have told or how they possibly found out.

  “I don’t know.” I said. The more we talked about it the more pissed off I got.

  “When I find out I am going to go all ape shit on their fat ass!” Skylar yelled. I’m pretty sure that she was madder than I was.

   “No one hurts my best friend or her baby or even the dumb ass guy she loves!” I laughed.

  “Dumb ass guy? You were the one that made me trespass and go out with him.”

  “I know I’m just pissed off!” Okay she’s officially gone crazy.

  I rocked Rylyn back and fourth in my arms and listened to Skylar’s rant go on for about another hour as we sat on the porch in my back yard. I had to come down and get a bottle for Rylyn and came out here with Skylar in tow.

  “It’s getting kinda late and I should put Rylyn down to sleep now. I will come over and see you tomorrow okay?” I said.

  Skylar stopped talking and nodded. “Yeah I should probably go to. Bye baby girl.” She cooed the last part at Rylyn.

   After she left I told my mom good night and went up to my room. I rocked Rylyn in the rocker chair that Ryder bought me and once she was asleep I laid her down in the brown and pick baby bed.

   I was exhausted and went to climb into my bed as my phone went off.

  ‘I think I know who told the principal. Meet me tomorrow at Grey Water Court Yard.   –Ryder’

  Grey Water Court Yard was where we went on one of our very first dates. It was about an hour and a half away. It was so beautiful. It had rows and rows of bright color flowers and benches all over the place it even has this huge wooden pavilion.

   I sent back a quick okay and went to sleep.

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