chapter 11

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   Chapter 11

         Aaralyn’s POV:

    I heard a knock on my door and called out ‘come in!’ Ryder walked in with papers and a brown bag in his hands.

  “I brought your home work. And a surprise.”

  I grunted when he said homework but then he said surprise and I went ‘Oooooh. What is it?”  

 He handed me the bag and I pulled it open. Inside was some Chinese food from a restaurant we went to on one of our very first dates.

  I looked up at him and smiled. I pulled the food out of the bag and began eating while Ryder picked up Rylyn and fed her.

  “Okay so we need to talk about what we are exactly.” I said.

  “I would like to make it work.” He said. “I want to be there for you and Lynny. We would just have to figure out how we would do that.”

   “Well first off I’m supposed to be pissed off at you. Second bringing her over on the weekends like you mentioned last time is not gonna work. My mom would ask me a million questions as to where I am every weekend.” I told him. To tell the truth I really wanted it to work too.

  “Well, maybe we could move in together. You could come live at my place.” I shook my head.

  “Nope that won’t work either. I just had a baby do you really think my mom is going to let me move out with a stranger?”

  “A stranger?” He asked looking hurt.

  “To her you are.”

   He nodded. My mother was never really home when Ryder came over and I just never introduced him to her.

   “I’ll think about what I want to do. We get to leave tomorrow afternoon and I would like just a few days to rest with my baby.”

  “When are you coming back to school?” He asked.

  “I think I’m going to take off for two weeks. I already have most of my credits so either way I will still be able to graduate at the end of the year.”

  “Okay well I’m going to go school will be over soon and I don’t think you want any one to see your teacher in here. It would look weird.” I nodded knowing he was right. He kissed my forehead. He gently lade Rylyn back in her crib thing and then left.

    How was I ever going to make a decision?

    I was putting Rylyn in her car seat as my mom signed us out.  “Are you ready to go home?” I asked her in that baby voice.

  She just looked at me. I gathered up our bags and headed out of the room. As I buckled the car seat in my mom came out and got in the car. She started the and drove towards home.

  My phone went off and I looked down.

  ‘Do you think I could come see Lynny tonight?’ It was from Ryder.

  “Mom what are you planning on doing to night?” I asked my mother hoping that she was going somewhere to night.

   “Um nothing staying at home probably.” Crap!

  “Well do you think that maybe I could take Rylyn over to Sky’s? Her mother wants to see her.” I asked hoping she would say yes.

   “I don’t mind but you have to drive very slow and take care of my grandbaby.” I laughed. My typical mother would say that.

    I texted back Ryder say yes but I would have to come to his house.

   At 5:30 Ryder came over to Sky’s and picked me up. I was going to stay at his house for about two hours then go back to Sky’s so her mother could she Rylyn.

   “How is she?” He asked when I buckled her into his car.


   “I really want this to work. I want us to be together and raise our baby together.” He said. “And I do love you.” I heard him whisper at the end.

   “Me too.” I whispered back too as we pulled into his drive way.

   “Can I get her?” Ryder asked as we got out of the car. I nodded and grabbed the dipper bag. He unbuckled the car seat and walked up toward the door.

   “My keys are in my back pocket can you get them?”

   “Uh…. Um…… sure.” I reached into his back pocket and grabbed his keys pulling them out. “Uh which one-“

   “The blue one.” I unlocked the door and let him go in through first. I looked around. The place looked the same way it did when I would stay over but it also look so different.

   “Okay well we can just go sit in the living room and talk if you want to?” I watched as he rocked Rylyn back and fourth. He was the perfect father and the only one that I would want my daughter to have. He placed her down into a pack and play that he had sat up.

   A tear leaked out of my eye and I hurried to wipe it away. Ryder looked back at me and then looked worried. “Whats wrong?”

   I ran over to where he was, wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer towards his body.

    I slowly pulled back and looked up into his eyes. “I love you.”

    “I love you too. But what was that?” He asked.

     “I have always loved you and seeing you with Rylyn, well you act like the perfect father and you obviously adore her. I just wish that we could be that perfect family but were not. You’re my teacher. I’m your student. We are going to get in so much trouble if anyone finds out and I don’t want anything to happen to Rylyn.” I gushed.

    “No ones going to find out. Every thing is going to be okay.” He rubbed the side of my face and kissed me softly. As he did Rylyn started too cry.

   “I’m coming baby.” I said as I walked over to the pack and play. I picked her up and rocked her back and forth.

   “So are we like?” I asked wondering if we were together.

   “I say we give it a try. I’d like to be with you and Lynny. So I think we should give it a try but only if you want to?”

   I thought about it. I did want to try and be a family. But not just for me but for Rylyn’s sake.

    “Yes. I want to give us a try.”

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