chapter 4

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    Okay well not much to say but I hope you like it!

     "Hey baby girl! Are you ready?" Ryder asked me. We were going bowling and race the go carts they had there.

   "Yeah I have been waiting all day to see you!" I ran over to the other side of his jeep and hopped in over the door. Which was not easy because I am sort of a short person.

    "Hey what did I tell you about doing that?" Ryder said as he did the same thing. I laughed.

   " 'Its my car and I'm the only one aloud to do it. No exceptions.' " I said quoting his words. He laughed and put his hands on my cheeks.

    "But I guess since you are my girl friend....." He trailed off leaning into my face gently placing his lips on mine. "You can jump over my doors." I smiled. He lets me get away from everything. Even things his friends don't get to do!

    When we pulled up at the bowling ally we went straight in, got our shoes, then ended up making out in a corner than playing. Eventually we played a round or bowling and raced the go carts then left.  “Hey since you have to go back to school Monday can we hang out again tomorrow?” Ry asked.

   “Yeah I’d like that. Where?”

     “I thought just maybe like a picnic or we could go to the park and just hang out.” We decided on the park and we said goodbye and I went in side.

     “Mom I’m home!” I shouted out then ran up the stairs to my bedroom hearing a faint reply of okay.

    I texted Skylar and asked  her if she wanted to stay the night tonight. She said yes and was over at my house with in 20 minutes.

     “Yo Hoe? Where are you?” I heard Sky yell. Before I could answer she busted through my door.

     “Its nice to see you to Sky!” We talked and at some point during the night we fell asleep. Her hanging half way off my bed and me in the floor. When I woke up I felt sick to my stomach and nauseous. I ran to my bathroom just in time to puke in the toilet.

     “Are you okay?” Skylar came into the bathroom and held my hair back while I puked my guts out. “Did you eat anything that could have made you sick last night?”

   “No not really.” I answered her back in between throwing up. 

    When I was done we went down stairs and Skylar made me some chicken noodle soup which I throw up as well.

    My mother wasn’t here she had to go to work. “I really don’t feel good. I think I’m gonna tell Ryder I cant come. Can you bring me my phone?”

    “Hey babe? I don’t think I’m gonna come to the park today. I have been puking and I don’t fell well. Can we do it another time?” I asked Ryder hoping he wouldn’t be all frantic and want to rush over here to take care off me. But then again it would be nice to know he cares about me that much.

    We have only been going out for about 2 months and I couldn't belive he loved me that much. Even though people say you can tell just by the way we look at each other we do.

    “ Aww I hope you feel better. Do you want me to come over there?”

    “No its okay Skylar’s here. I think I will be fine.”

       “Okay but I will be calling every now and then to check on you.” I said okay and we hung up.

     At about 11:30 I felt 100% better. I was tired though which was strange because I am normally never tired. I am a morning person.

    My phone went off for about the thirtieth time in about two and a half hours. “Yes Ry, I am still okay. I haven’t changed since five minutes ago.” I said giggling into the phone.

    “It wasn’t five minutes ago it was more like fifteen!” Ryder argued in to the phone. I laughed.

    “Okay well I'm a little tired so I'm gonna go take a nap. I love you.” I told Ryder.

     “Okay feel better baby. I love you too.” He hung up and I went in the kitchen to see Skylar trying to make mac and cheese. She can not cook anything at all. She cant even use the microwave with out catching it on fire!

    “Oh My! What are you doing?” I asked when I saw cheese all over the counters and noodles all over the floor. 

   “Grrrr! You know what?! I give up if your hungry, starve!!” She yelled and the stomped off out the kitchen door. I went over to the stove, cleaned up her mess, and then finished the mac and cheese.

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