chapter 36

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Last chapter!!!!! But there will be an epilogue. Now about a sequel? I don't know right now. I have a couple other stories that I want to work on right now, so I don't know if I will be doing one. Just the fact that some people liked this one so much and are wanting a sequel, makes me want to write some other ones too. If I do do a sequel though, it will kinda be more of a spin off book, but it will be in either Skylar's POV or Rylyn's POV when she's older. Any ways I hope you like the last chapter and I am going to shut up now!


Chapter 36

  Aara's POV:

   ~~~~~~Three and a half months later~~~~~~

   Ryder left about an hour before to get the cake for Rylyn's first birthday, so it was just me, Sky, and Rylyn, who was in the middle of a nap. Skylar and I were hanging steamers and other decorations.

   Our graduation was fantastic. My mother was there, and so was Ryder's. It was the first time that they had met and like I knew they would, they got along very well. Ryder and I didn't tell anyone until about a week after graduation that we were together. And let's just say that people were shocked.

    Kids from school had been asking how long we knew each other, and how long we had been together. We told them that we met before the school year had started and then that led to the question about Rylyn.

   We didn't have to tell them exactly that Ryder was the father. They kind of just figured it out. And when some did, they were pissed. They thought that I was getting special treatment from him because we had a daughter together. After the initial shock, though, most got over it.

   That was about three months ago. Today was Rylyn's first birthday and a lot of people were coming. I had invited a few of friends from school, and both Ryder and I's mothers would be here. Skylar was there, and later Kinton and Chase would be too. Some of Ryder's friends, some of our family. The house isn't that big but the yard should fit every one. When Skylar and I started planing out every thing we didn't realize how much people would be here.

    Ryder has been looking for a knew job and one that he is interested in, calls for a different degree so we both are in collage at the moment. I have a job that doesn't pay much, but just enough that we can afford to pay they bills and buy food.

   Rylyn, she was happy one year old. She has grown so much in those past few months and even though she is only one she can already say about ten word sentences. She talks all the time.

   As I was hanging up a sign that said 'Happy Birthday!' some one knocked on the door.

  "I'll be right back." I told Skylar and got off of the ladder.

  "Hey Cindy!" I said as Ryder's mother stepped in the door.

  "Hey baby." She hugged me. "You are never going to guess what I got your sweet little girl!" She said.

   "Just put it over there on the floor." I told her and shut the door behind us.

  "Hey Cindy." I heard Skylar say.

  "Hey, sweetie. Where's my son?" Cindy asked.

   "Oh he's still at home. Chase wasn't up and I came over here so he said he would be over in a few hours."  I walked back into the kitchen as Cindy nodded her head and sat the present on the floor.

    "Where's my other son?" She asked me.

   "Oh he's getting the cake." She nodded.

  "When is every one else supposed to be here?" Skylar asked.

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