Chapter 6

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After Emma's cancer treatment, she is then brought back to her room. Though the hospital room allows a lot of natural light to come in, it is not enough to cheer her up. The hospital management even put her bed near the window so she can see the world while confined inside the hospital.

"I don't understand," Emma said sadly. "Why do I need that treatment when I shall be dying anyway? I can feel a time bomb inside my body. It's bound to explode in a few weeks."

"Now, now Emma," Chloe said comfortingly. "You are given these treatments so that you won't feel the pain. Are you depressed that's why you're acting like that?"

"Depress," Emma exclaimed. "You call me depressed? I'm going to die in less than a month, Chloe. Can't you understand that? I will be gone soon and now, I am here at the hospital waiting for the day that finally, good bye world! I did nothing wrong. I did not harm anyone. I've never been a horrible person. Though I may be insolent, I never did anything harmful!"

Emma still can't accept that she's about to die. Chloe then hugged her sister to comfort her about all the pain she feels. Tears are rolling down her eyes as her sister comforts her from all the agony in her life.

"Emma, listen to me," Chloe said as he holds back her tears me. "I know you are a good person, but maybe it is time for you. Maybe you have indeed done enough kindness for the world. I'm still here because I've been a horrible sister to you in the past years, but I regret that so much. I regret that we did not even bond as sisters. We always disagreed, and our parents took your side because you're the younger one. I say this to you right now, I truly loved you."

The two sisters broke away from their hug. From that moment, they seem to have bonded and reconciled with each other.

"Thank you, sister," Emma said happily to her sister.

"Wow," Chloe exclaimed. "It's the first that you called me 'sister'."

"Well, you deserve it now," emma said.

"Thank you," Chloe said.

They embraced each other again, and then suddenly, Raphael and Lerine went inside the hospital room with the dela Rama family. They wanted to visit Emma that day. The sisters instantly broke away from their hug when their parents came in.

"It's good that you finally got along," Lerine said in relief that her daughters finally got along.

"Yes, yes indeed," Chloe said.

"Um... Chloe," Raphael said hesitantly. "We'd like to introduce you Mr. and Mrs. dela Rama and their son, Rex dela Rama. Rex is Emma's fiance."

"A pleasure to meet you," Chloe said as she stood up to greet the dela Rama family.

"Raphael, should we talk about the business," Reginald said as he brushed Chloe's greeting aside like he never heard that she spoke a word.

"Ummm... Yes of course," Raphael said. He let everyone have a seat on the sofa inside Emma's hospital room.

"Raphael," Reginald said angrily. "The marriage of Rex and Emma is part of contract at the business partnership that we signed. Now you are saying they can't get married. What kind of lunacy is that?"

"That's why I want the meeting to happen here," Raphael said calmly. "As you can see, my daughter is diagnosed of Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. She was fortunate enough to live a few more months, but her life will only last a few more weeks. I wish you could understand that."

"Have you read the contract," Reginald said as he waved the contract in front of Raphael's face. "Our offsprings shall get married when they have acquired their college degrees. Can't you just marry off one of your daughters? As I can see here, you have one more daughter."

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