Chapter 13

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After they went outside the household, the gang planned the next step to finding Emma's lover.

"So, what now," Eloisa asked. "We found a love letter, and that's pretty much it."

"Hmmmm...," Rose wondered. "We are forgetting one detail. Emma met all of her boyfriends at Word Miracle church. Somehow, all three men are bound to be met by Emma at that church."

"I agree," Mateo said. "I noticed that pattern based on these events."

"I have an idea," Rose said with confidence. "Do you remember the wedding mentioned at Emma's first diary entry last May 25, 2013?"

"Yes, why," Eloisa asked.

"If we track which couple got married at that church, then we can find out who is invited at that wedding," Rose said to present her idea. "We will also know who the people that Emma spoke to that day are."

"Great plan," Mateo agreed. "But do you think it will work?"

"It just might work," Rose said with determination. "We must track the couple through the church."

"Ok, but we cannot do it now," Mateo warned. "The church is closed today. We can only do the plan on a Sunday."

"And what day is tomorrow," Rose suggested.

"Sunday," Rose answered.

"Very good," Rose responded. "So it's settled. Tomorrow, we shall go to the church. We shall ask who the wedded couple is. Let's meet there tomorrow at 9:00 am."

"Ok, but just to tell you," Mateo said in seriousness. "My mother and I shall go to the cemetery of my dead father. Tomorrow is his birthday."

"No, it's alright," Eloisa responded. "You and your mother should be careful."

"Thank you," Mateo said. "You and Rose should be careful too."

"Alright," Eloisa said lovingly. "Thank you, Mateo."

Rose, clearly annoyed by the sweetness of the too, responded bitterly to the affection they are clearly projecting.

"Guys," Rose said bitterly. "Please stop flirting."

"Come on, Rose," Eloisa crossed. "You're just jealous."

"Jealous, you say," an irritated Rose said. "Jealous? Jealous?"

"Yes," Eloisa said bluntly. "What's your deal? Carlos clearly wants to court you, but you do not want to say yes on his offer to a date."

"Stop it right there, missy," Rose said as she is irritated. "Let's just focus on this mission."

"I couldn't agree more," Eloisa said.

The next day, Eloisa and Rose met up at Word Miracle Church at exactly 9:00 am. Little do they know that the mass starts at the same time.

"Oh my gosh," Rose exclaimed in annoyance. "There's a mass at this time."

"Well done, Rose," Eloisa said sarcastically. "We need to attend a mass before we can get an answer."

"Alright," Rose said. "How bad can it be?"

Never had been an hour moved so slow at that moment for Eloisa and Rose. The mass was awfully long for them, even though a typical mass at Word Miracle Church only lasts an hour. Finally, when the mass is over, they sighed in relief.

"Good, thank God that the mass is over," Rose said in relief.

"Now let's ask the priest," Eloisa said. "He might know the couple."

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