Chapter 21

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Professor Diwa had an accident with his motorcycle due to a car crashing unto him. He lost his consciousness and acquired some injuries. He was taken to St. Patrick's Medical Center. When he woke up, he was surprised to see an IV needle on his body.

"Mr. Diwa, good to see that you're finally awake," the nurse said when he opened his eyes.

"What am I doing here," Professor Diwa asked.

"You had an accident a few days ago," the nurse explained. "The couple that accidentally crashed you is here."

Mr. and Mrs. dela Rama went inside the hospital room. They are hesitant to see him due to the humiliation that they almost killed a young professor.

"Nurse, may we talk to him in private," Maritess said to the nurse in his attendance.

"As you wish, madam," the nurse said as she went out of the hospital room. She closed the door and gave them the space they need.

"My dear," Reginald said. "We are sorry that we crashed unto you. We shall pay for your hospital bills and for the damage that we did. Please do not press charges against us."

"It was nothing," Professor Diwa said. "It's fine. I just hope that... oh no!"

He looked around to see where are his stuff. He remembered the clothes of his childhood that his father gave him. He intended to search for his parents.

"My dear, your stuff are placed in the side table," Maritess said. "The hospital staff only checked your ids to find out who you are."

As he opened the side table of his left, he found his bag undamaged. He opened his bag, and he found the clothes safe and sound. He pulled it out to make sure that it was alright.

"Thank God," he said as he saw the clothes. "I thought it would be ruined."

When Maritess saw him holding the clothes, tears started falling out of her eyes. Professor Diwa checked the lining to see if it was still ok, and it is. Reginald managed to smile a little bit. They are happy to see their long lost son again.

"Victor, my son," Maritess said as she approached the young professor.

She embraced him into her arms. Professor Diwa was shocked to see a middle aged woman hugging him. He could not manage to embrace her as he is still shocked from the events that are happening. Reginald also did the same thing.

"Victor, what happened to you," Maritess asked as she and her husband broke away from the hug. She held his arm gently like a mother that missed his son so much. "You were gone from us for twenty five years."

He could not answer the woman's question, for everything that is happening seems to be like a dream. He thinks that the situation is not even real and it is only a hallucination.

"If only Rex could see his older brother," Reginald said as he still mourns for his son's death. "If only."

"My child, I'm sorry if we kept calling you Victor here," Maritess said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "What's the name that your adoptive family gave you?"

"Jonathan Dave Diwa," the young professor answered plainly to the couple. The couple looked at each other in shock for they know very well who he is.

"You," Reginald said in shock. "You! You!"

"You are the former lover of the daughter of the Concepcions," Maritess said. "This is confusing, my god!"

Maritess laughed hysterically due to the confusing and crazy situation that she is experiencing right now. She thought that it was impossible that the former lover of her son's fiance is actually her own son. What a shocker for her!

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