Chapter 1: The Locker

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Freshman Year

Chapter 1: The Locker

"Ugh!" Amy groaned as she covered her ears from the ringing of the bell. Most school bells would ring a nice melody, but no our school has to screech out and make us lose our hearing. "I can't stand this bell! What makes this ten times worse is the freaking giants in this school!" Amy has been a good friend of mine since seventh grade in middle school, she had blond hair and brown eyes.

"Honestly speaking here", Sasha speaks out. She's a tough cookie to handle sometimes, but I love her anyway. We've been friends since the first year of middle school. She has golden brown locks and beautiful blue eyes that catch most guy's attention in this school. "I think this school is great, we just need to complain about the bell. We should just get over it for the time being and live on with our new beginning as freshmen".

"I agree completely", I say earning a smile from Sasha. Who am I? I'm Paisley Thompson. I have brown hair and I'm about to try out for volleyball for our school team. I have brown eyes and a hell of a brain that will help me on with the school year. "I think we should just toughen this up and just deal with the crap that falls our way."

"Ah, pep talk Paisley is back", Samantha says making us all laugh. She is the new 'member' of our squad and she is the most innocent one of us all. She has brown curly hair and enormous green eyes that you could spot a hallway down.

"Well, if none of you would complain, then pep talk Paisley would have to return from her grave", I tell them as they snickered. "I mean come on it's nothing we can't handle."

"Speaking of nothing," Amy says with a raised eyebrow. "Have you seen Tanner around?" She says bumping into my shoulder and I shake my head. Oh gosh just with hearing that name runs shivers throughout my body. Tanner and I have been friends since elementary. He has always been one who would be the most outgoing, the loudest, and wildest one in class. The complete opposite of me.

"No", I responded. I look at all of them and they look at one another as if they felt bad for me. Would it be that bad if we didn't talk? "But hey", I say with a cheerful voice. "I have a good feeling that today will be the day". I hear Amy mutter something, but I didn't care much about it. Sure it has been a month, but what does that matter? "School has just begun and I have the entire year to keep in touch with my best friend."

"I hope you do", Sasha says placing her hand on my shoulder. With that being said, I felt my chest being lifted, I have no idea why but it did. Just on cue, the bell rang and we jumped when the screeching returned and echoed through the hallway.

"Okay well, I'll see you guys at lunch then", I tell them as I begin rushing down the hallway. 

I hate that they all have the same class together; meanwhile, I have to always run for my life in order to get to my next class. I make quick turns feeling my adrenaline rush through my body. Being late to class something I will never do. I'm a "miss goody-two-shoes" people would say, and plus I'm not one to ever get in trouble. I looked down at my phone and smiled when I saw that I have eight minutes left. I make one last turn down the hallway to only get hit by a locker that was opening just when I was making my way. I place my hand on my forehead and groaned out. I back away and lean on the lockers beside the one that hit me in the face. I didn't notice my hair was on my face until I felt warm hands move it behind my ear. I look up and I saw him, Tanner. My heart was pounding in my chest. His brown eyes staring down at me while he had his hands on my shoulder.

"Hey", I say acting as casual as possible, but like always failed when I'm under pressure.

"Hey, Paisley", he said. My heart kept racing and thumping in my chest. Does it have to hurt? Because damn this feeling hurts. Can he hear my heart? Oh crap. "Are you okay?"

My High School Life Pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now