Chapter 22: How It Ended

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Chapter 22: How It Ended

"Fuck", I say out as I stood up from the stands.

"Sit down!" Wes warned me. "Tanner!" He shouted. I rush towards the direction Paisley ran off to. When I got there, I find her crying by a tree. Amy was with her, how did I not see her when she followed Paisley?

"Paisley", I say heartbroken. She looks up and looks away from me.

"I didn't know that you were coming", I explained to her as I take some steps to her.

"Back off!" Amy shouts at me. "You're a traitor!"

"No, I'm not!" I declare out.

"You are such an ass!" Paisley called me out. "Not only are you betraying your old school, but you couldn't even warn us!"

"I didn't know!" I repeated. "My team was keeping me out of that conversation! Hell! They told me it wasn't going to your school!" I state out. "Paisley, please, I lo–"

"Tanner", I hear Monica call me out. I turn to find her behind me. She places her arm around my arm and kissed me on the lips. I push her away and look over at Paisley to find her looking away disgusted.

"What are you doing?!" I question Monica.

"Kissing my boyfriend obviously", she laughed.

"Are fucking kidding me!" Amy roared out.

"Once a pig always a pig, huh, Tanner", Paisley whispered out.

"Paisley, no! She's lying! I have nothing with her!" I beg out. "Please! Believe me! I still love you!"

"Love me?" She laughed out. "You left me! You didn't even say goodbye to me! You said you loved me one night and the next day you disappear without a word."

"It was all last second! My mom came and picked me up. She had a suitcase and everything!" I explained. "You weren't home like I thought you were and when I got home I was basically getting forced out... my dad handed me the suitcase, and I left". She looked away from me. "I tried calling you so many times that just thinking about it makes my heart break. You would always send me to voicemail, and when I'd call my dad...I would hear you laugh so I knew you were okay."

"Okay?" She laughed out. "I'm not okay! I loved you! You could have always asked your dad to pass the phone over to me but you didn't, Tanner... and I can't believe you." She looks over at Monica. "Not only did you do this on purpose to throw off my game, but now I'm going to make you regret it! I'm bringing your team down!" She threatened as she passed by her. I watched as she hurried back to the field and I smile out.

"Woah", I let out feeling more attracted to her.

"You sure do once hell of a girl Tanner", Monica gives out. "Sorry about that, to win... you got to play dirty", she tells me before patting my back and walking back. I sigh and follow behind her.

The whistle gets blown and the game has begun. It was a game full of rage from both teams and I didn't know how to react to it. Should I cheer for my school or my girl? I look over at the football team to find them looking at me. I wave over at Josh and he shakes his head at me. Damn. The whistle gets blown a lot and I look over at the score board and smile when Richwood only needs one point left to win.

Some girl on Paisley's team serves the ball and makes it to the opponent's side. They bump it around to one another until they finally bring it back. Paisley makes a jump and slams the ball down. The whistle gets blown.

"Winners! Richwood!" The referee shouts out. I smiled out. Monica came over to Paisley again and smiled at her. Paisley smiled back and looks over to me. She waves me over so I could come, so I do.

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