Chapter 3: A Possible Threat?

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Chapter 3: A Possible Threat?

"Hey Paisley, how was math?" Sam asked me when they all arrived at my locker.

"Terrible:, I sigh as I stuffed my algebra book in. "He was forcing me to talk to him, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction."

"Maybe he wants to explain what happened", Amy tells me. I shake my head.

"This Tanner isn't like the old one, this one thinks he's Mr. Badass and can just walk over people just for being a jock". They didn't say anything as enclosed my locker. I looked at them and they just stood there still. "What?" I look behind me and see Tanner kissing his girlfriend. His eyes caught mine, but continued sucking faces with...what's her name again? Oh right, Abby. I look back at them and they gave me a look as if they were feeling bad for me for witnessing such a thing.

"Are you okay?" Sasha mouthed. I nodded my head and gave out a fake smile. Never been better, I lie to myself. She then looked down at her phone flashing with the name Scott. "Sorry, I have to take this", she tells us as she walked off.

"Who was that?" Amy asked me.

"Her twin brother", I let out.

"Twin brother!" Amy and Sam say jumping up and down. I nodded my head. Did they really not know she had a brother?

"We need to go to her house now", Amy says happily. "I bet he's hot". I shrugged not really remembering him.

For a while, we just talked about random until Sasha came running to us.

"I need to go home!" She tells us frantically. "I just need to find a ride", she says freaking out.

"I'll call my mom," Amy tells her. She immediately took her phone out and begin calling her mom.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked her and she begins to shake.

"Scott has been going through a lot, and he gets panic attacks sometimes and I'm the only one that can calm him down", she says with watery eyes. God, I've never knew how much Sasha had to go through.

"She says coming", Amy tells Sasha. Sasha then wiped a tear away.

"Thanks, Amy," Sasha tells her. "I guess I'll wait outside," she tells us before running off.

"Wait, I'm coming too!" Amy says chasing after her and out they left.

"She's just going so she can skip school", Sam says shaking her head. The bell rang and off people scattered. "I guess I'll see you in lunch Paisley", she tells me. She hurried to class and I did the same.


Time to time Tanner and I would come face to face in the hallway during changing classes, but like usual we would just ignore one another.

When the time came for lunch I find Samantha at the table alone.

"Hey", I say taking a seat next to her. "How are you?"

"Good, just weirded out that Amy and Sasha aren't here." I nod my head agreeing with her completely, I know how she feels. I went through the same crap during middle school. "So, are you and Tanner still fighting?"

"We aren't really fighting, we're just not friends anymore," I sigh. I look over at the jock table to find him looking over at Sam and I. He has his girlfriend on his leg. He leans in and begins whispering something in her ear that makes her look over to my table and laughed out. I felt fury run through me. What the hell is he saying to her that was so funny?! I rolled my eyes and looked over at Sam who was playing with her vegetables.


Lunch was over at Sam and I went our separate ways. When I was heading to my class Abby approached me and asked me point blank if I liked Tanner and I gave her straight out answer of a no.

"Look", she says with a smirk. She roamed her eyes at my appearance which made me shift to the side a little. "Sorry, it's just that you seem like your fit to be a cheerleader... have you thought of being one?"

"No, I've never actually seen myself as wearing a mini skirt and shaking my body for people", I tell her and one of her eyebrows raised up unapproved of what just said.

"Well, are you into sports?" I nodded my head. "Then you'll feel comfortable cheering, cheering is a sport too."

"Not the sport I play though", I tell her with a shrug. "Thanks though." I walked passed her to only find her in front of me again.

"Well just in case you change your mind, try outs are in the gym at seven a.m. sharp this October, don't forget it", she tells me and walked off swaying her hips.

I stood there shocked. Why in the hell was Tanner's girlfriend asking me if I want to join her squad of dancing sluts? I don't mean to be harsh when I call them that, but that's exactly what they are! From the two months that we've been to this school, I have literally seen nude videos of half of the cheer squad when they went off to a party. With that happening and the video going viral around the school, they have become more known and wanted more by the guys by their nudity actions. Does Abby want something from me? Is she just asking me to join the team so she could keep an eye on me or something because there is no way in hell I should be considered a threat to her. Whatever it is, I know I don't want to be one of them and that's final. 

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