Chapter 7: The Hammock Incident

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Chapter 7: The Hammock Incident

It's been two periods since the meeting with the principle, and the question Josh asked me. I need to say no. I wonder what happened to Tanner. Will he get expelled? Detention?

"Hey", I hear behind me and I turn to come face to face with Tanner. I gave him a fake smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yes", I assured him. "Just a little nervous that's it".

"About what? I said the truth about everything".

"What did he tell you after we left?" I asked him.

"Just that I'll be spending some time in his office for hours or whatever", he shrugged it off.

"Did you find out why Abby got kicked out of cheering?"

"No", he says shaking his head. "But I'll find out sooner than later."


"Alright, class! Mr. Arnold says out. Don't worry about the projects, those will be something you can do further on in the year. Some teachers and I have come to decide that the project you will be working on will be your final, so with that being said," he said with a smile. "We can't rush into a new topic from your history book so we'll be going outside for the time being".

"So, what are we doing today in class?" A girl asked out.

"We will be watching a movie," he says as he lifts up The Diary of Anne Frank. He turned off the lights and so then the movie began.


"Wait for me!" I hear Josh's voice ring through my ears. I sigh out and waited for him to catch up to me. "I know I need to be giving you solace right now, but what would your answer have been if I asked you when we were alone".

"It doesn't matter", I tell him

"Yes, it does", he says getting in front of me. Should I tell him that I was going to say no?

"I can't tell you", I say walking around him.

The rest of the classes were awkward because Josh would just keep staring at me and Tanner would be handing me notes. I like Josh, but I like Tanner more. What should I do?! I should just ask them questions to see who would be more suitable to be with.

The bell rung. It was time to head home now. The walk home can give me time to think of some questions and gives me some space. The more and more I thought about possible questions, I then preferred not to go with the plan. What would help with? Nothing.

It was around six minutes later that I felt an arm around the back of my neck. I look next to me to find Tanner. I pushed him away and gave him a confused look.

"What are you doing?" I questioned him.

"Showing you how much I care", he says pushing me closer to him. I push him away and move to the side.

"Well, don't", I tell him. "I mean come on Tanner, you have a girlfriend!"

"And?! Abby knows you're my friend".

"Exactly, friends", I say walking ahead of him.

"Paisley come on! I like you more than a friend and you know that", he says catching up to me.

"Yes I do, but you and I both know that we can't happen", I say to him.

"Why not?" He asked taking my hands into his warm ones.

"Because you have Abby and Josh is waiting for my response".

"You aren't going to say yes to him, Paisley... inside you know you aren't comfortable with being more than just his friend", he says hitting it right in the spot. "Just admit it".

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