Chapter 13: The Back To School Bash

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Chapter 13: The Back To School Bash 


By the time I usually get to school Josh is already there. I smile every time I see him and there is no way I could help it. How did I get feelings for a guy I just met?

"Who are we looking at?" Samantha asks questionably making me jump. She laughed and pushed my shoulder lightly. "I'm playing", she says. "Why don't you go talk to him?"

"I can't...he's with his friend", I say making an excuse.

"It's okay, I'll talk to his friend so you and Josh can have some privacy", she tells me as she begins to walk away from me. I was going to call for her, but she was too far away. I looked around, I had an idea of running off, but I didn't want to make Sam look bad. I sigh and follow behind her.

"Hi", I say when I got there.

"Hi", Josh says as he rubs the back of his neck. Ugh, this is awkward.

"So, what's your name?" Sam asks Josh's friend.

"Sam", he answers her.

"Yes?" She questions him oblivious that he has the same name as her. Josh and I begin to laugh which made Samantha look over at us curiously. "What?" She shrugged.

"My name is Sam", Sam says trying to explain it to Samantha. "I'm guessing they call you Sam too, huh?"

Samantha's face begins to redden and I just smiled. "Oh...yeah", she says nodding her head to him. She's too cute. I look back at Josh to find him looking at a cheerleader. Of course.

"Well...I have to get going", I say out making Samantha eye me. 

Josh nods his head and I leave. He clearly doesn't see me as anything. I mean who would if not only did he get slapped, but also got punched by me. I bet he thinks I'm too violent. I sigh and walked away slowly hoping Sasha or Paisley would come to cheer me up because clearly, Samantha can't help me right now.



I looked around and found Amy smiling away. I look away when Sam comes and pats on my back.

"I saw you man", he tells me and I rolled my eyes. "If you like the girl, how about you get to know her more".

"I know what I have to do", I tell him laughing. "But, I'm not much of a talker", I explain to him.

"What happened to the guy who gained courage out of nowhere and introduced himself to her?" He questions me.

I smiled remembering her coming to our table and I rushed down to meet her. "I-It was at the heap of the moment...I knew I had to talk to her", I tell him.

"And what's the difference now? She's alone", he tells me. We look back and find her talking to her friend.

"She's hot", Sam tells me eyeing him now.

"She's mine", I warn him.

He laughs out. "Not your girl man, her cute friend". I looked over her friend to get pushed by Sam. "I call dibs", he warns me and I nod my head. We kept talking for a while until we got interrupted.

"Hi", Amy's friend says happily and waving at us. I look behind her to see Amy trying to find a way out of coming over here. I looked at my boy Sam to find him smiling at her.

"Hi", Amy finally says as she made it. My eyes caught hers before I looked away. Why do I get so nervous when it comes to her?

"Hi", I say rubbing the back of my neck which is code for 'help me out man' to Sam.

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