Chapter 19: The Agreement

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Chapter 19: The Agreement

"Thank you again for letting me stay at such a short notice", I tell them as they walked me to the front door.

"Anytime", Scott responded to me. My eyes caught his blue ones and something in me was beginning to ache. I must be going insane. I look away and begin heading to Tanner's home.

Once I arrived, I took a quick shower and relaxed in my bed just covered in my robe.

"Paisley?" Mom says knocking on my door. I sit up as I see the door open. "There is a young man named Ricky at the door". My heart dropped.

"Oh, um, okay", I stammered. "Tell him I'll be down soon".

Mom leaves my room and I begin to dress up. I covered every inch of my skin as much as I could just to make sure. I guess Monday couldn't wait. Now is the day. The house was hot. The weather was hot. And what I am wearing is so not appropriate for this heat wave. I begin heading downstairs and I find him sitting in the living room. I look around the room to find Tanner in the kitchen. I hurry to him and he smiles.

"Hey there beautiful", he softly says as he takes me by the hips and pulls me to him. I hug him. We back away from one another and he skims down to my outfit. "You feeling okay? It's 98 degrees out", he informed me as if I wasn't already dying in this.

"Yeah I know, but Ricky is here, so I covered up", I warn him and his eyes widened. "I want to tell him that this has to stop and his interest in me", I explain to him. "I need you to be there with me, so he wouldn't try to attack me."

Tanner agreed and we walked into the living room hand to hand. Once Ricky noticed us, he stood up and instantly noticed us holding hands. He wasn't happy, but he stayed calmed.

"Tanner", he spat out.

"Ricky", Tanner answered. Tanner and I took a seat across from Ricky and watched him. "What can we do for you?"

"I wanted to apologize", he states out making Tanner and I look at one another.

"Wait, what?" I proclaimed standing up. "You're apologizing for what you did to us?" I whispered. Ricky nodded his head. "Why?"

"Because it isn't healthy for me to keep going after a girl who doesn't want to be with me", he pointed out. "M-My therapist is helping me through it", he mentioned and I sat back down. "I was told to apologize and try making it right, so here I am". He places his hands on his lap. "Do the both of you forgive me for what I have put you through?"

"Yes", I answered him happily that it's done with.

"I'll only forgive you if you move to a different school and to never ever try getting into our lives again! You can't spy on any of us, and especially not photograph our every move", Tanner blurted out. My eyes widened and I began questioning to why he would even go to that extreme. Ricky was eyeing him carefully while Tanner was glaring at him. He knows something that I don't.

"I will respect your wishes", Ricky smiled. Tanner stood up and headed towards him. Ricky stood up and waited for him. Tanner extended his left hand and Ricky shook it. The deal has been made. "I guess my work here is done", he sighs out. "I hope you two figure out your problems", he added before walking out the house.

"I can't believe it!" I bellowed out happily. Tanner hugs me and kisses my cheek. "I'm free! We're free!" I scream out.

"Is everything alright? Is something wrong?" Mr. Richardson questions hurrying into the room.

"Nothing, nothing at all", Tanner answered to his father before looking over at me and kissing me on the lips. I pushed him back since I knew his father was still here.

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