Chapter 2: Over It

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Chapter 2: Over It

When I was just a block away from school, I heard Sasha calling for me. I turn around and see her running towards me.

"You walk fast", she tells me as she caught up. She placed her hands on her knees and took in deep breaths. "Holy crap I need to exercise more". When she calmed herself down she stood back up straight and took in one last deep breath. "Are you okay?" She finally asked.

"I'm fine," I answered her. "Is anything wrong with you?"

"Nope nothing, but I feel like you've been hiding from us, and you're not sharing everything with us."

"Well, there isn't anything to tell Sasha I didn't feel comfortable talking about Tanner that's it." She rolled her eyes at me and I just knew she was mad. "We aren't in middle school anymore Sasha please don't act like one", I tell her and her eyes blazed up with fury.

"Yeah well, that doesn't mean you have to change! It doesn't mean that you have to hide from us to keep your feelings in! It doesn't mean you have to keep everything to yourself! And it certainly doesn't mean that you have to be such a bitch," she yelled at me before storming off toward the school.

What the hell! I didn't say anything that made her go to far for her to call me a bitch. There was no real reason to why she would be angry, I mean if I want to keep something to myself then I should! My friends don't need to know everything that goes in my life. Once I took a step, guilt ran through me and I felt regret. I have to go back. I run back to the school and found her getting picked up in a black jeep.

"Sasha!" I yelled but I was too late. I sighed out and groaned out. I started making my way out of school again but stopped when I spotted Tanner. I found him with his friends, so I just marched up to them. "Hi Tanner," I say shyly.

"Hey, Paisley," he says back with a smile. Should I ask him if he wants to hang out? I look at his football friends and I knew I shouldn't. Who cares if he's with his friends! He's been your best friend since elementary! Gosh, woman either grow some or earn some courage.

"So... Tanner do you want to hang out later?" I asked him staring into his brown eyes. He was smiling at first but quickly hid that smile with a stern look. He looked away from me and glimpsed over at his friends, so I did too. They were all trying to keep in a laugh. Is he ashamed of me? Is he ashamed of our friendship?

"Wait a minute," one of them says. "Is this the girl you hit with the locker door?"

"Yeah," Tanner responded quickly to him.

"And the same girl you went to the lunch table to tell her that she left a dent on your locker?" Tanner nodded his head and I felt hurt. He came to the table because he wanted to tell me about his locker?! "Look," the boy says placing his hand on my shoulder. "He isn't interested in you... he never will." I nodded my head and took a step back. "And do you know why?" I didn't respond. "Because your nothing, and because he has a girlfriend." My heart dropped. He has a girlfriend. I looked down at the floor, knowing that coming here was a mistake. "Ah, here she comes now."

I turn behind me and see a beautiful blond. She had her hair in a ponytail with a blue bow, her cheer uniform with the school colors of blue and white, and of course one hell of a body. I couldn't believe it, why didn't he tell me this before? He had time to tell me when we were alone. I guess I was just a stupid girl who got a stupid crush on her best friend. I guess I don't know him as I used to. I knew that to him I would never be anything more, I know he will never see me as some girl he could have feelings for. When I finally got the courage, I spoke up.

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