Chapter 8: The Worst Day Ever

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Chapter 8: The Worst Day Ever

Monday morning:

I creep down the stairs hoping not to alarm my parents that I'm leaving so soon for school. I look over to the kitchen to find it empty so I made a dash to the door to see dad putting boxes in the car. My eyes begin to water up. He closes the trunk and heads to the door and I hide behind a couch.

"Here", I hear and I look to my left to find my mom handing him some money. "Take care, Nathan", she tells him.

"I'll be back, Natalie", he says annoyed. "I'm coming back to get the rest of my things remember", he tells her.

"Grab everything and go", she says looking away. "I need you as far away from us as soon as possible". I felt my heart tear. I cover my mouth not letting anything like a sob come out. Why is she doing this?

"I'll leave when I have everything", he tells her roughly. "Keep the money, Natalie, I'll manage."

"Fine!" She yells at him. 

She heads upstairs and closes the door. I watch dad. He sighs and wipes his face with his hands. I want to stand up and hug him, but I couldn't. He looks around the room and looks away before closing the door. I rush to the window and watched as he gets in his car and leaves our driveway. I look back to make sure mom isn't coming back down, and when she doesn't I leave the house. I make my way to school trying to control my emotions before I made it there. I take my phone out and see that it's 6:10. None of my friends should be here yet. I take a seat at a bench and played around with my phone. By 6:20 kids were able to enter the building so I followed behind. I didn't want to go to the cafeteria to eat and the only other place you can go before class starts is the library. I head upstairs to the library and took a seat at a table.

"Paisley," I hear and I look up from my phone. It was Josh. Darn it.

"Hi," I say to him. I'm starting to not feel comfortable being around him for some reason.

"Have you thought about it?" He says seriously. I nod my head and he waits.

"I can't", I tell him. His face falls. "I like you, I really do... but not more as a friend", I explain. "I hope we can be friends?" I question him.

"Nah," he says standing up and leaving. "You'll regret rejecting me, bitch". He walked out the library and felt my mouth fall. Wow, I did not see that coming. I shake it off and kept reading the book on my phone.



Like Mr. Arnold told us before, we are going to be outside for a week because of the changed plans. He instructs us to get in line and wait by the door before he calls the roll. When he checked that everyone was there he explained that we won't be the only history class going out, but another as well, so we have to make sure that when it's time to head back inside we have to make sure that we are in the correct line before he counts us absent.

"That's dumb", Tanner let and our teacher gives him a glare. I rolled my eyes at him. Why can't he just do as he's told?

"Now, let's get going", our teacher tells us. We follow him out some back doors and find another class there. I hope my girls are here. I look around and felt an arm around my shoulder. I turn to my left and find Tanner smiling away. I move his arm away from me and gave him an annoyed stare.

"Oh come on", he laughed.

"Tanner Wanner!" We hear and I kept in the laugh. She jumps on him before attacking him with kisses. When she backs away she looks over at me and I just smile. "Paisley, how are you?"

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