Chapter 15: Story Time

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Chapter 15: Story Time

Throughout the day at school, the girls stopped asking me questions. Thank god. By six period a police officer entered my classroom and my heart dropped. Oh no. The teacher stopped and looked at me. He nodded his head at the officer before calling me over to them.

"Hello Paisley", the officer says extending his hand out to me. I take it as he says his name is Kyle. "Can you come with me?"

"Of course", I say as I get my belongings and found everyone looking at me. Damn. I followed him to the hallway and he stopped quickly. He turned to face me as I froze.

"Where have you been?" He questioned me.

"Huh?" I say as if I didn't understand what he was asking.

"You called the station saying someone broke into your house and was attacking you, and when we got there you were gone", he says seriously. "Where did you go?"

I opened my mouth to say out a lie, but I hear my mom call me. I look behind him and find her running toward me. "Mom!" I cry out with tears in my eyes. I rush to her and jump into her arms. We fall to the floor and hugged each other. I cried on her shoulder as she caressed my hair trying to calm me down.

"Natalie, Paisley, Officer Kyle, can we please go to my office?" Principle Richardson says out. Mom and I got up and headed to his office. We took a seat and I felt uncomfortable now. They were all staring at me and wondering the same thing, what happened to me last night?

"Now, please tell us what happened to you last night?" Officer Kyle says out.

I take in a deep breath and explained everything from waking up from hearing broken glass to getting attacked while I was on the phone with the operator before I get hit on the head and blacked out, I paused and showed them the white patch of bandage. Mom gave a small cry and I looked away from her. I begin again but started lying. I said that I woke up in a room in the middle of the night and everything was quiet. I broke the window that was in the room and ran away. I explained that I didn't know where I was so I just kept running and since I didn't have my phone and all I could do was just run. I didn't want to stop anywhere until I got home. When I arrived at home to change and get my things mom wasn't there, so I went to school, I tell them. Mom hugs me and I hugged her back.

"It was terrifying", I tell them with tears in my eyes. "I don't even know how the person looked like", I say out crying.

"Did he touch you?" Officer Kyle asked. My eyes widen and that's when I finally thought about that. Was I touched? Did I get raped?

"I-I don't know", I say sadly. My heart was beginning to race and I couldn't help my breathing. "Mom", I say looking at her. "I don't know, I don't know", I cried out.

"Okay", Mr. Richardson says trying to calm me down. "What's going to happen from here?" He asked the officer.

"Well there is so little we can do based what she has said", he says out. "Unless she remembers where she escaped from, we don't have anything."

"I don't", I say shaking my head. I just ran", I say out.

"Well I think it's best if the both of you to stay at a relatives house and stay there for a while we investigate for any fingerprints in your house", Officer Kyle explained. Mom thanked him and he left.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you got home", mom cried and I felt terrible for making her feel bad for something that didn't even happen.

"Don't worry about it mom, I'm okay", I tell her.

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