Chapter 5: The Punch

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Chapter 5: The Punch

I ring Tanner's house doorbell and waited patiently.

"Oh Paisley, come in", said Tanner's mom, Lil.

"Thanks, Mrs. Richardson", I say as I entered her house.

"So, why haven't you come to visit like the old times?" She questioned me.

"Oh, well it's because I've just been busy these couple of months".

"Well just know that you are welcome here anytime you'd like", she says with a smile.

"Thank you," I say as I take a seat in the living room.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

"Water would be nice, thank you". I sat still waiting for Tanner to come down any second now, but he never did. "Should I tell Tanner that I'm here?" I ask out. I watched as Lil came back in and handed me the cup or water.

"Oh, sweetie, he isn't home right now", she tells me.

"Oh, a where is he?" I asked surprised.

"With his girlfriend, Abby", she says smiling. "She's one beautiful girl".

"She sure is", I say as I take a sip of the water. Lil takes a look at her watch and stands up.

"I actually have to go out, but you can come back later and wait for Tanner to come home", she tells me. I nod my head.

I stood up and walked out of the house. I groan out furious that he couldn't remember that he planned this meeting so we could work, but no! Instead, he goes out and about with his girlfriend! The nerves of that guy!


It was the next day, which meant that I had to see Tanner again. I'm at my locker now, waiting for my friends to show, but they haven't. I fix up my books before I head off to find them, but I get interrupted by a hello. I turn around and see Josh.

"Hey, Josh", I say with no emotion.

"Is everything okay? You seem out of it", he acknowledged.

"What? Oh no, it's just Tanner–"

"Tanner", he says shaking his head as if knowing he's a trouble maker. Has he finally spoken one on one with one another? "What did he do yesterday?"

"Nothing", I say annoyed by just thinking of him not showing up the time he said he would. "He didn't show up at the time he said he would to start the project, instead, he was out with Abby".

"And you're mad because of that?" He asked confused.

"Yeah", I say softly.

"You have two weeks to do this project Paisley, I think it's okay if you didn't start right away", he tells me. "Getting mad over something this little, is just stupid", he says and I eye him. Did he just call me stupid!

"You know what Josh, I don't need this right now", I say as I closed my locker door and begin to walk away.

"Just hang on a minute Paisley I–"

"What! Are you going to call me stupid because I don't want to talk about this anymore?" He closed his mouth and I turned to walk away. As I walked, I looked around for my friends but found no luck. I instead headed to my classroom and got prepared for class that would start in a few seconds.

"Hey", I hear Tanner's voice say behind me. I ignored him. I soon enough hear paper being ripped and I knew straight away that he was going to pass me a note. A paper then plopped down on my desk, folded twice. I opened it up and read it.

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