Chapter 12: Meeting Ricky

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Chapter 12: Meeting Ricky

I entered my class to find a new boy in my seat, so I took a seat next to him.

"Hi", say lending out my hand. He looks over at me and smiled. He takes my hand and shakes it before I could tell him my name.

"Paisley", he says out casually. "I know", he laughed. "I'm Ricky, I've known you since first grade," he tells me. So he isn't new, I tell myself. I felt awkward that I've never met him before until now.

"Really?" I asked shocked. "I don't remember a Ricky", I tell him.

"Yeah", he says nodding his head. "I was the shy one who always stays in the back and won't participate when everyone else will". I nod my head. I look at his features to see he has a nice jaw line with brown eyes, black hair that can cover his face when he wanted to, and he had a scratch on his left cheek that looks permanent. "You okay?" He says waving his hand at me.

I laugh out. "Yeah, sorry I was trying to make out your face to see if I could remember, but no, sorry", I tell him.

"It's all good", he tells me. "Nothing new with people not remembering me", he says out making me feel worse. I look around the room.

"Have you always been in my class?" I ask and he nods his head.

"I'm actually in all your classes", he laughed and I felt my face redden. Am I seriously this blinded to who's in my class?

"Oh", I say softly. "So, what made you sit up here?"

"You," he smiled. "I finally got the courage to talk to you", he says happily making me smile. "I've never had a chance to talk to you because you're either with Tanner or with your friends." Wow.

"Well", I say placing my hand on his shoulder. "Don't you worry about them, they are nice people, well my girls are... Tanner, not really", I tell him. "But", I say smiling. "You should come talk to me anytime", I say. He nods his head and the bell rung again announcing that class will begin now.


I felt horrible that not only did I not remember the guy, but also that he would keep his distance from me just because I was either always with Tanner or because I was with my girls. Throughout every class period, I have had the chance to talk to him more and find out that he's interested in. For instance, I didn't know he was part of the football team with Tanner. Ricky even had the pleasure of meeting my friends at lunch and stayed the whole time. I wanted to ask him where he usually sits and if he has friends, but I felt like those questions were a little too personal and hurtful.

When it was time to leave the cafeteria, Ricky and I stayed back because he wanted to ask me a question. "So, Paisley", he says having his hands behind his back. "I was wondering if we could hang out... like go to the movies or something", he asks shyly.

"Oh", I say low. "Well, I just got out of a relationship and I don't want to make it look like we're an item or something', I tell him and he nods his head as he looks at the floor. Oh man.

"I get it", he says looking at me. He begins to walk away and I just followed behind. He stopped and froze in the middle of the hallway.

"You okay?" I ask as I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah", he smiled. "I'll see you in class", he says as he begins to walk back down the hallway we came from before.

I raised an eyebrow confused by him. What's wrong with him? I shook it off and just went to my next class. When class started and he didn't show up I started getting concerned. Why am I so concerned? Is it because I rejected him? The rest of the day I felt guilty, but then I started telling myself, what if he really isn't in all of your classes and maybe just four them. I nod my head just going on with that just to make myself feel better.

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