Chapter 14: How Could He?

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Chapter 14: How Could He?


What can I say, it sure felt good being asked to something for the first time. I was beyond happy. As I was walking out the cafeteria I felt my body slow down.

"Woah", I say as I felt the room begin to spin. What has come over me?

"Paisley?" Sasha says placing a hand on my back. "You feeling okay?" I closed my eyes and re-opened them to find the room spinning some more.

"No", I let out softly. "I don't feel good", I tell them.

"Come on", I hear Ricky say out. "Let's take her to the nurse's office". I felt myself being taken away and as much as I tried to shake my head to regain my focus, I couldn't.

Once I was handed to the nurse and placed on the bed, I layer still. I felt my body begin to heat up and I was yearning for water.

"Open", the nurse says out and do. She places a thermometer in my mouth and the machine beeps. "Open", she repeated. I do. "Okay, looks like you have a fever Paisley", she tells me. "I'll call your mom", she tells me and I hear her walk off.

I kept my eyes closed. How did this happen? I went from being all excited to this?! Great job body! You sure do know how to ruin everything! I sigh out. I waited for about fifteen minutes until my mom came for me and took me out of school. As we got into the car, she places her hand on my forged and sighs.

"Sorry", I tell her.

"About what? That you're sick?" She asks me oddly.

"No", I say shaking my head. "That you had to pick me up."

"Oh, well, of course, I was coming to pick you up, but...", she stops.

"What?" I ask her tiredly.

"I have to go to the office and finish up something's up", she tells me sadly.

"That's fine mom, it's not like I'm going to escape or anything", I tell her making her laugh a little.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course, I guess I'll just sleep."

When we got home I went straight to my room and covered myself in my blanket. Mom came and brought me hot soup and a bunch of water so I wouldn't have to get out of bed. By the time she left to go to work was around six o'clock which surprised me because she wouldn't ever leave me alone this late. So with the house all quiet, I drifted away into a slumber.

When I woke up I had a strange feeling, as if something was going to happen. I look over at my phone to find messages from my friends and from my mom. I quickly open hers and find out that she won't be coming home until later than expected since she stayed to take care of me for a while. The time was twelve o'clock in the morning! How much later does she have to stay? Why is her office even open? I sit up and I hear glass being broken downstairs making my heart race. I get out of bed and take a look from the ledge of the stairs, but it was too dark.

"Mom?" I say out making the house echo. Nothing.

I begin to think or reasons not to go downstairs to investigate, but what if it was something small like a glass falling off the counter? I can't let mom come home tired and find broken glass everywhere. I head downstairs carefully as I used the flashlight on my phone to light the way. When I reached out to turn on the light, the bulb went out which made me jump. Great. I flash my light to the kitchen and turned on the light there to find the back door window broken and the door open. Oh no. I reach for the knife and make a run for the stairs, but when I heard the kitchen lights turn off I ran quicker than ever, trying to skip steps but that was a big mistake. I fell down three steps and begin crawling up. I felt my leg getting caught and I screamed. I turn my light towards my leg and find a masked person holding my legs. I begin yelling out. He pulls me down and I bump my head on the wooden steps. I groan out.

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