Chapter 11: Who He Really Is

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Chapter 11: Who He Really Is

Time passed quickly and the next thing I knew it was summer vacation. Mom and I made plans to meet up with dad so we can try to become a family once again, but he says he's too busy. I don't mind anymore what happens with the both of them. Yes, I love them, but if he's not trying to put an effort for us then it probably is for the best to move on.

Tanner and I, on the other hand, have been staying close to one another as much as we could before he leaves to California with his dad for two months. We'll be fine when we're apart because of how much trust we have for one another. We have been together for five months, so I know we'll be fine. I have plans bundling up anyways with my girls. I think they're a little pissed off with me because I've been with Tanner more than I have with them, but they also understand.

When it was time to meet up with them, we had a visitor too... Scott. Great.

"Hey", I say once I arrive at Amy's house.

"Paisley, long time huh", Amy says coming my way. She embraces me and I hugged her back.

"Yeah", I smiled. "So, what are we going to do?" I asked her.

"Probably go to the mall and do girly stuff", Sam says laughing. I look over at Scott as he talked with Sasha.

"Oh, don't worry about him, he's not coming with us", Amy tells me and I look at her. "He just came to bring Sasha her phone that she left at home". I nod my head and look back to find him looking at me.

"Paisley", Sasha says making her way to me. She waves at her brother as he starts getting into his car. "So, how has everything been? You know with Tanner?"

"Good", I respond to her as I watched Scott drive off. "He already left to go to California, so yeah".

"What have y'all done these couple of months?"

"Dates", I answer her. "Movies, restaurants, picnics, and bowling", I tell them. Amy and Sam aw out, but Sasha didn't bother.

"But now you belong to us!" Amy says jumping on me.

"Yeah!" I laughed.

"Now let's go!" Amy yelled in my ear. We get her car to find her sister in the driver's seat. "Okay, Stephanie! We're ready!" She began driving and once we arrived we thanked her and got out. We crusaded our ways around the mall. Enjoying ourselves as we tried on clothes and played around with one another


Two months have passed and I still haven't heard from him. School is going to start in two days and I'm getting a little nervous since we haven't spoken. What if something happened to him? He never called me like he promised he would. He's distant from me, and I wonder why.

Anyways, these lasts days of freedom were the day's volleyball tryouts and it should also be for football, but I haven't seen him. Throughout those whole two days, it was just Amy and me because of volleyball.

When school started again the first people I see are my girls. Since Amy and I are volleyball players now for the school we have to wear some work out shorts and shirt.

"So have you seen him yet?" Sam asked me. I looked around, but nothing. This is feeling like freshman year all over go. This truly feels like deja vu.

"No", I said sadly.

"Don't worry Paisley", Amy says as she puts her arm around me. "Once he sees you he won't want to leave your side". I laugh falsely, but I don't think they caught it. 

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