Chapter 10: The Library

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Chapter 10: The Library

I didn't know what to do and how to react when I got to school. Was I going to be called to Mr. Richardson's office? Possibly. I run my hands through my hair as we waited for the doors to open.

"Hey", Sasha says placing her hand on my shoulder. "Everything will be okay". I nod my head. I hope she's right. The doors get opened up by some staff members and so Sasha and I head upstairs to the library. We enter and take our seats. She texted Sam and Amy to tell them where we were. "What are you think about?" She questioned me.

"I'm scared", I answer her quickly. "I'm scared that I'll be called to the office and there will be my mom to take me away".

"I doubt that will happen, but it's possible", she says softly.

"What's possible?" Amy asks sitting down and Sam takes the next free seat.

"That I can pass my test without studying", I lied making Amy and Sam laugh. I smiled but it quickly left when I heard Tanner calling me over. They noticed me getting distracted, so they turned my way.

"Oo," Amy says happily. "Go to him", she says playfully.

"No way", I say crossing my arms. "We aren't in good terms", I tell her and she stays quiet. They all did, but when I looked back Tanner kept insisting. "Fine!" I say out to him. "I'll be back", I tell them.

"Paisley", Sasha says taking my hand quickly. "Are you sure? I can come too, you know".

"Yeah, we all will", Sam adds in kindly. I smile at them and shake my head.

"I'll be okay, I swear", I tell them and left once Sasha released me. Tanner reaches out for me and takes me all the way to the back of the library where no one but people who are researching a topic will be. "Let go", I say taking my hand back. He lets his hand fall to his side and he relaxes.

"Look, I'm sorry by the way I acted yesterday", he apologized. "I just wanted you to get out of there and I know now that I did it in a wrong manner", I'm sorry.

"Apology accepted", I say not caring about this anymore. He smiled. He takes a step closer to me and takes my hands. His thumb begins to caress the side of my thumb and I felt my body heat up. What is he doing? He takes more steps until we were centimeters away. My heart was beginning to race. "Our parents aren't dating", he tells me. I closed my eyes as I took in a deep breath. He dropped one of my hands before he placed his free hand on my waist bringing me chest to chest with him. "I like you, Paisley", he tells me. "A lot", he softly let out. He let go of my other hand and put his hand on my cheek. "So much that I want to be with you", he tells me and I felt butterflies run through me.

"We can't", I tell him. "You know we can't because of Abby", I answer him.

"We broke up", he tells me and I open my eyes. His brown eyes are looking into mine. "It may be too early to date, but I can't wait any longer...I've been waiting for this to happen since we started having classes together." He brings my head in closer to his and when our lips touched, my eyes closed and my instincts kicked in making me kiss him back.

It has finally happened! I got my first kiss! My body begins to shake and I have no clue if that's a good thing or a bad thing. We break away and we stare at one another.

"Oh", I say pushing my hair back. He laughs softly and smiles at me. "That was random", I let out. I knew my face was red with embarrassment, but what else could I do.

"Yeah", he laughed out even more. "It was nice, right?" I laughed and nodded my head. "Great", he says looking down at the floor. "I guess", he says pointing back to the direction we came from. "We should head back before your friends come looking for us", he tells me and I nod my head again like an idiot. He takes my hand and before he let me go, he leaned in for another kiss but I backed away. "What?" He questioned me worriedly.

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