Chapter 20: Given Up

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Chapter 20: Given Up

When we arrived at Florida I was beyond exhausted. When we got to my mom's new house I find it rather small. Here is the woman known to be a princess, yet here she is not living like one. She complained so much to my dad when she wanted to have the best of the best and now look at her. I give out a small laugh making her look over at me.

"Is something wrong?" She blurted out making me clear my throat and shake my head.

I have always been more afraid of her rather than my dad. She looks the same. Her hair is a dirty blond, I got the same eyes as her, brown as well as her nose. Small.

"Okay", she sighs out. "Your room is the first door on the left", she directs me. "I'm going to rest up and so should you."

"Why should I?"

"You have school tomorrow and I have to leave early to work", she asserted. "Your cousin Austin knows you're here, he'll show you around the school and take you around Florida", she tells me.

She enters the room in front of me and everything goes silent. I entered my room and looked around. My room is too small! I don't understand how I went to living the great life to this. The room is painted a dark shade of blue. Yes, she did this on purpose. She knew that when I was younger my favorite color was blue, but that changed and it's green now. She wouldn't care anyway. I've always been more connected to my father than I am with my mother. Mom would always go out and about with some of her snobby friends and "shopped until they dropped", so they would spend all their money on worthless trash. I jump on the bed and lay on it. It isn't even as comfortable as my bed back home in Texas. I sit up and look out the window to find kids playing football. I smiled as I remembered my teammates. The smile soon disappeared when I remembered that I won't be in a team anymore. The more I started thinking an out home back in Texas the more I started to get furious. I didn't get to say goodbye to any of my friends! I didn't get to say goodbye to my coach and teammates, and lastly, I didn't get to say goodbye to my girl.

"Damn it!" I yell out annoyed.

My bedroom door opens and mom looks me over. Fear was plastered on her face.

"What happened?!" She gasped out as if she ran a marathon.

"Nothing, I just forgot something in Texas", I lied. Her face relaxes and walks toward me. She places her hand on my hair and begins to caress it like the good old times.

"Oh, Tanner, baby, you can easily ask your father to mail it over here", she laughed out.

I sigh. "Mailing something like what I left isn't possible", I explained to her. I stand up and she looks me over.

"You have a girlfriend don't you?" She detected. I nod my head. "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine mom, I just hope Paisley won't be too disappointed that I couldn't say goodbye to her," I whisper out.

"Paisley? Paisley Thompson! She's your girlfriend?!" Mom declared out. I turn to her and nod my he, d. "Oh son", she laughed.


"Paisley Thompson and you won't last", she laughs out making my stomach turn.

"How dare she say something like that!"

"She's too much of a rule follower Tanner, you are just too different."

"Differences attract... you know...yin and yang".

"Yin and yang? You mean BS and BS", she responded and I rolled my eyes. "You can't possibly believe that's true, do you?" I stay silent. "She's going to break your heart once she finds someone that is just like her, and she will Tanner, and when she does, I know you'll act like a lost puppy trying to get her back."

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