Chapter 9: The Unforgivable Dinner

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Chapter 9: The Unforgivable Dinner

I didn't want to get up for school today. I didn't want to leave my bed at all today. I look at the clock, it was six ten. I cover my face with my pillow groaning out angrily. I have to go to school because that's the kind of person I am. I've never been absent before. Even if I was sick, I would show up and do my work. I straddle my legs off the bed and stretched before getting up. I get in for a quick shower and soon changed. I wore dark colors, all except black. I wore my jeans with a dark blue top with my white shoes. I brushed my teeth before I put my hair up in a ponytail. I signed. I placed my bag over my shoulder before I headed down. Mom was already there. She cooked some breakfast.

"Bye", I shout out not wanting to sit with her alone.

"Wait!" She says rushing to me making me stop. "I have to talk to you", she says softly.

"We can do it later," I tell her. I kiss her cheek and walked out of the house. For all I know she wasn't making that breakfast for her and me. Maybe she was making it for Mike and her. I rolled my eyes at the thought of that. I don't hate her at all for this entire situation, but it does make me frustrated when I have to talk to her.

"Hi Paisley", I hear from beside me. I knew it was Tanner, but I didn't want to stop walking. "Hello? Earth to Paisley", he says before getting in front of me and walking backwards.

"Yes, Tanner?" I asked annoyed. I guess I won't be able to be alone after all.

"You okay? You look out of it", he says placing his hand on my cheek and I quickly toss it away. "Have you been crying? Your eyes sore puffed up".

"Allergies", I lied. He nodded his head as he let the lie go. We walked to school completely quiet.

Throughout the entire school day, I wanted to be alone. I would even leave class to cry. I don't deserve this! I don't deserve losing my father and still have people look at me because of the videos. When it came time to go home, I found her dressed up.

"Paisley," she says making her way to me. "Get dressed sweetie, we have to meet up with a friend of mine", she tells me. I look down at what I was wearing and shook my head at her.

"I could care less about what I'm wearing... who am I trying to impress?" She didn't respond to me. "I'm not changing".

"It's an etiquette restaurant, please." I look at what she was wearing, her black tight dress with matching stilettos. Her hair was made into a bun and her earring's long enough to touch her neck.

"Fine", I say softly. I go up and changed. I put on a blue dress with white flats. I left my hair down and put on some earrings. I come down to find her smiling.

"You look beautiful", she says happily. "Dad bought me the dress", I let her know. Her smile fell and looked away from me. Yeah, I hoped that hurt her. I walk out the front door and get into the car. I watched as she locked the door and got in the car. She begins to drive and when we made it the restaurant we handed it to a valet employee before heading in. I looked around and my eyes caught a giant chandelier hanging in the middle of the entryway. Whoever this Mike character is... he must be loaded.

"Do you have a party?" A man asked us in the main entrance of the restaurant.

"Yes", mom nodded her head. "We're with Mike R", and he looks through the list.

"Right this way", he says and we follow him to a table.

"Wow", I say sarcastically. "Your date couldn't even get here before us... nice", I lied. I crossed my arms and slumped down in my seat.

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