Chapter 18: Like A Brother

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Chapter 18: Like A Brother

When we got to my house, we walked towards the doors hand to hand. As I was about to knock on the door, Paisley pushes me back. I turn to look at her to find her looking down at her phone.

"We can't come here", she tells me as she hands her phone over to me. It was a message to Paisley's mom saying she was going to sleep over at Sasha's. "I can't just come here in the middle of the night", she interjected. "What did he put for you?"

I take out my phone and open my messages. "He wrote to my dad that I was going to stay over at Josh's house", I tell her. We begin to back away from the house.

"What should we do?" She questioned me.

"You have to go to Sasha's house an I'll go to Josh's", I explain and she stays silent. Call her. She opens her phone and dials Sasha. Paisley begins to ask Sasha if she can stay over by making an excuse about her mom, and by the end, she thanked her and nodded at me. It was my turn to call Josh and when he answered he just told me to come from the back.

"Okay then", she whispered out. "I'm going to start walking then", she told me and I nod my head. She was heading the opposite way than I was.

I begin walking too, but once she was out of my visual I ran to go find her. As I ran, I could hear my shoes scraping the cement. I ran past my home hoping to find her soon, but she wasn't. My heart begins racing. I was thinking of things that could have happened to her. I kept running all the way to Sasha's home to find Paisley barely making it there. I calmed myself down. The door opened and Sasha brought her in, but in the back, I could see Scott. My blood begins to boil. I hate the guy so much! I started making my way back and hurried to Josh's house. By the time I got there, I felt sweat running down my back. I opened the back door and I see him sitting at the kitchen table.

"Finally", he sighs out. I smiled at him before walking in. "So, what happened that made you want to come over this late in the night?" He joked with me. I opened my mouth, but he laughed out. "Come on, you're welcome here anytime man", he added before patting my back. "Ew", he says removing his hand. "What were you doing? Running for your life?"

If only he knew. "Yeah, something like that", I assured him and he shook his head at me.

"I'll lend you a clean shirt", he insisted. We head upstairs and into his room.



"Welcome back", I hear Scott say out from behind Sasha. I look at him to find his hair scuffled around, it worked on him. I smiled and turned my direction by to Sasha.

"Care to explain?" She questions me.

"It's about Ricky", I explained to her and her eyes widened with fear. She turns around to find Scott still listening.

"Um, this is girl talk", she stated and he scoffs.

"Come on, tell me, who's Ricky?" He proclaimed. "I want to know".

"No way", Sasha replied out to him. She takes my arm and begins to pull me upstairs. My hand grazed Scott's making me get electrocuted.

"Ow", we say together. He looks me over while I walked up. That was too weird. I shook it off and closed the door behind me when I got to her room.

"So, tell me everything!" Sasha exclaimed, so I did. I told her what happened during the dance and the reason for my disappearance. I" should have gone", she rants. "Maybe if I was there then I could have kept an eye on everything".

"Calm down", I laugh at her. "Nothing is your fault, sooner or later Ricky is going to get tired of me."

"I'll hope it'll be soon", we heard so Sasha and I looked over at the door to find Scott leaning on it and listening to us.

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