Chapter 4: Meeting The New Boy

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Chapter 4: Meeting The New Boy

I was walking through school once again still thinking of Abby's offer. It's been another week now and she still comes up to me and asks me I've thought about it. The answer I would give her would be yes that I have but I'm not sure if I want to. My real answer would be no, but I just want to play around. It has been the same routine this week which is to talk to friends, ignore Tanner, talk to Abby without Tanner's consent, and lastly going home. Walking around the hallway and seeing Tanner chat with his jock buddies makes me miss him at some point, but I just repeat to myself that he sees me as nothing but an embarrassment.

The bell rung and the screeching of it wasn't the only thing that caught my attention. Maybe I was just hearing something.

"Paisley!" I hear her call my name again. I groan softly and turn to find Abby. "So, try outs are next week", she reminds me.

"Yeah I know," I tell her. "You remind me every day of every week", I tell her and she laughs. I rolled my eyes. As I looked forward, I see Tanner making his way toward us. Damn it. He comes to Abby's side and pulls her to him. His hand on her waist.

"What are you doing?" I hear Tanner ask Abby as silently as he could.

"Oh, talking to my friend", she answered cheerfully. I watched as his eyes popped right out of their sockets.

"Since when?" He asked angrily.

"Does it matter? I don't have to ask you who I can and cannot be friend with", she tells him and I could see he was getting frustrated with her. "Now, now Tanner Wanner," she says giving out his nickname. I give out a chuckle but quickly hid it with a cough.

"I told you not to call me that in public Abby", he tells her furious.

"It isn't a bad nickname, right Paisley?" Damn, she just has to bring me into this.

"No, I actually think it suits him," I answered him. The only way it suits him is by seeing him get humiliated for the first time. "I think you should just call him Wanner when you see him," I tell her and she smiles. I look over at Tanner to find him sending me a deadly glare. As if I care.

"That's exactly what I'll do", she says all peppy. "Oh, and babe, did you know Paisley is trying out for cheerleading?!" I felt my face burn as his eyes scanned through my body. "She'll probably make it, but we have to see her audition first", she says pleased.

"That's great", Tanner says looking at Abby now.

"Don't tell me that, tell her," Abby advice Tanner. He looks at me, his brown eyes looking into mine, but they quickly look off into her green eyes.

"I can't, I have to go, bye Abby", he says before kissing her and leaving her with me.

"Is there something going on between the both of you?" Oh, come on! Does she really not know?!

"No, we just aren't friends anymore", I tell her and she gives me a sad glimpse before hugging me out of nowhere.

"Well, I'll see you around," she says leaving me and running off to a new direction. Leaving me, so I could finally spend time with my friends before class starts.

"Hey, girls", I say sounding tired.

"We saw you talking to Abby," Sasha tells me and I nod my head before I give out a sigh.

"What about?" Amy questioned me.

"About cheer try outs that are coming up soon, and she wants me to try out."

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