Chapter 17: Just The Two Of Us

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Chapter 17: Just The Two Of Us


As Ricky watched something on his phone, I stood up and felt my body head to one side.

"Paisley", Ricky says coming to my aid. I hold onto him. My vision was beginning to get blurry and when I tried to speak to him, it would come out like mumbo jumbo. I could barely feel my body as Ricky was helping me around the room. My mind was beginning to twist and turn and all I could remember was that I was getting laid on the ground before I passed out.


I groan out as I heard clanking occurring. What the hell is that noise? I begin to raise my hands, but something was pulling it down. I opened my eyes and tried processing what I was seeing, I have been chained to the bed. I look around and found Tanner passed out on the floor with chains on him too. How did this happen? Who did this to us? Where did this happen to us?

"Ugh!" I groan out as pain rushed through me. Trying to make out what is happening was making everything worse. I begin to yawn out and my eyes begin to close again, but I shook myself awake. I remember this room. I look up at the corner of the room to find the camera flash with a red light. He's watching us. Ricky is watching us.

"Ow", I hear out and I look over to Tanner who was moving around before getting tugged on. "What the hell!" He yelled out making my head ache and his. "Shit"! He says out and he looks around. He looks up at me and eyed me carefully. "Paisley?" He questioned as he was unsure that it was me.

"Yeah", I answered and he gave me a worried look.

"Where are we? How did we get here?" He mumbled as he was trying to take all of this in.

"I've been here before... Ricky brought us here", I explained and his confused look turned into a frustrated one. He bites down on his lower lip as he tries to pull on the chains that were on his arms. "Don't even try", I warn him. I nod over to the camera and gives out a grunt of annoyance.

"You son of a bitch!" Tanner shouted out infuriated towards the camera. "Let us go!" On cue, the room's door opened and Ricky strutted in.

"Welcome back Paisley", Ricky proclaimed as he closes the door behind him. I look away from him to look over at Tanner.

"Why did you bring us here?" Tanner shouted frantically. "Get me out of here!" He roared. I stayed silent because I knew better than to get Ricky angry.

Ricky laughed and knelt down next to Tanner and as much as Tanner wanted to reach out and grab him, he couldn't. "Look who looks so defenseless now", Ricky cooed in Tanner's face. "Tough break you can't do anything about it."

"Ricky, please, this isn't what we agreed on", I cried out and he looked over at me.

"Are you kidding me right now?" Ricky blurted out. "You didn't keep your end of the bargain, Ms. Thompson, so neither will I", he says out. My eyes widened. "I know you told Tanner about what me coming to your house and bringing you here! Now, I told you if you did do that then I was going to leave you alone with nothing!" He hissed at me. My eyes were beginning to water up and my head dropped. "But", he says softly. "I won't do that, only just take Tanner away from you".

"No, please", I cried out. Please.

"You brought this on yourself!" He bellowed out. He looks back at Tanner before punching him across the face. "You did this!" He shouts as he punches him over and over.

"Ricky!" I whimpered as blood begins to slide down his lips. "Stop! Please! I'll do anything!"

Ricky stopped and stood up. He made his way towards me and sits next to me. I feel the bed dip. I closed my eyes waiting for him to do something to me. I begin to feel his hands sliding up my leg slowly.

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