Chapter 6: The Video Leak

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Chapter 6: The Video Leak

Can we talk? Please. I'm sorry. Talk to me. Are some of the texts I got from Tanner after dinner. I still can't believe what happened to me today at school.

Hey, I get another text, but from Josh. Should I respond to his? I ignored it and threw my phone on my desk to get it as far away as possible. I hear my phone buzz, but I don't get up. Mom hasn't seen my bruise just yet because she's always working. It's already six o'clock she should be getting here any second now. Nothing new. There is no real reason for waiting for her, so I get myself ready to sleep.


The next morning, I head to school earlier than ever so I wouldn't have to meet up with Tanner. As I walked past his house, my heart raced in my chest hoping that he wouldn't come out. Luckily, he didn't. As soon as I made it to the entrance all eyes were on me for the first time. All the jocks, nerds, cheerleaders, etc. I awkwardly headed to an open seat to be alone, but soon my friends rush over to me.

"Hey, Paisley," Amy says softly. My eyes widen, she's actually talking to me?

''Hey", I say with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Sasha asked me. Why is she asking me that?

"Yeah...why wouldn't I be?" I answered her confused.

"You know", Sam says making her hands into fists and smashing them together to signal me that there was a fight. My heart began to race. I looked at my friends and looked around the student body to see them still staring at me. How in the hell do they know about the fight?!

"How... how do you know?" I asked her. She took out her phone and there it was, Josh and Tanner fighting away and the next thing you know is that I get in between and get punched. Watching myself get punched made me feel pain on my cheek.

"You don't have a bruise", Amy says as she examines me.

"Are you covering it up with foundation?" Sasha asked and I nodded my head. "Was it big?" I nodded again.

"Wait a minute", I say out. "Where did you even get that video?"

"Someone sent it to everyone in this school yesterday after school", Amy answered.

"Do you know who?" I asked her. They shook their heads.

The next thing we knew, as in everyone who was already who was at school got quiet. I looked over and see Tanner holding hands with Abby, and Josh right next to them. I look away. The doors then open and my friends and I were the first ones to enter.


It was now third period when all of the sudden the principle made an announcement on the overhead. He then begins to call of students names.

"Amy Jackson, Paisley Thompson, Josh Braxton, Abby Braxton, and Tanner Richardson! Please come to my office immediately!" He said. I got up from my desk with my belongings and hurried out the door so I wouldn't have to talk to Tanner.

"Wait!" He shouts out making the hallways echo. I turn to look at him.

"For what!" I shouted back.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you", he pleaded.

"What I don't understand is why you had to get in my business! No one told you to listen to our conversation! You started the argument, for what reason?!" I asked him. He got silent. He didn't want to tell me. "Fine, don't tell me, but I will never forgive you for this Tanner Richardson," I say as I started to walk.

"Stop!" He says and gets in front of me. "Okay", he takes in a deep breath. "I saw you with him," he says.

"And? What's wrong with that?" I questioned him.

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