It's Okay

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

I wonder if she'll ever come back. I don't know if she realizes this, but I miss her so much. I try to act like it doesn't matter in front of the boys, but I'm actually breaking inside. I want to stay strong, so the boys don't worry, but I don't know how much longer I can hold on. She doesn't even want me anymore, that's the worst part. She chose Harry over me. And, he just went back to Marie without a second thought. Nicole could be devastated when she finds out that Harry just replaced her without a second thought. I'm always here for her. I shouldn't have ever broken her heart. It's the worst mistake I've ever made. I wish I could just go back in time, and change what I did. I want to go and fix everything.

"Niall?" I heard Zayn asked, confused. I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts, "Huh?"

The interviewer laughed, "In your own world, Niall?" She joked. I laughed, awkwardly, "Haha, I guess so. Sorry, what was the question?"

I saw the boys looking a little nervous. What was the question she asked? From the looks of it, it doesn't sound very good.....

"Where is Nicole?" She asked, "Nobody has seen her for nearly two months now."

"O-Oh... yeah...." I mumbled, I looked over at the boys, for help, but they only avoided my gaze. Wow, they're really helpful.... I guess I'll have to answer this on my own, "U-Um, well, this interview is about us, not Nicole. I don't want to talk about her right n-now."

The interviewer frowned, "Why can't you tell me?"

"It's private," I simply answered.

"Come on, you can tell me!" The interviewer begged, "The fans want to know about it. Don't you guys?"

The audience erupted in cheers. I scratched the back of my neck, nervously, "U-Um, sorry, but I'm not giving out that information..."

"Please, Niall?" she begged, "We all-"

"Why don't we just stick to asking questions about our new album?" Louis interrupted. She looked over at Louis, and quickly said, "Oh, yes, that!"

She began talking about the album again with the other boys. I zoned out, not really participating in the discussion. Soon, the interview finished.

"Finally home!" Louis cheered. We had been out on the road pretty much all day. It was now eight, so we could finally relax. We walked into the house.

"Oh, lads, Meredith is coming soon," Liam announced, "I'm going to go get us some dinner, so if Meredith comes, just let her in. I'll be back soon!"

We mumbled goodbyes, as Liam went into his car, and drove off. Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me into the hallway.

"What is it?" I asked, when we reached the hallway.

"We need to confront Liam of Meredith today," Harry told me.

"How?" I asked. Harry grinned, deviously, "I have the whole living room rigged with cameras. I'm going to catch her in the act of flirting with her. You in?"

"Hell yeah I'm in!" I exclaimed. Harry laughed, "Well, all you have to do, is be in the living room alone with Meredith. That's usually where she makes out with you."

I frowned, "She doesn't make out with me. She just kisses me..."

"Whatever," Harry replied, "Just get in the living room, and kick out Louis and Zayn."

"Okay, I'll go do that," I replied. Harry quickly walked upstairs, and I went into the living room. Zayn and Louis were watching TV. I walked over to them, "You guys should have Rachel and Eleanor over."

"Sounds good to me," Louis replied, and they went upstairs. Good, everything's working out according to plan. I sat down on the couch, and waited for Meredith to come. My train of thought was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. I jumped up, and quickly ran to the door to answer it. I saw Meredith.

"Oh, it's you Niall," Meredith said, smiling evilly, "Why don't we go to the living room with this?"

I frowned at her creepy comment, "Um, okay..."

She grabbed my hand, and led me over to the living room. She pushed me onto the couch, and sat beside me. She scooted closer to me, and wrapped her leg around mine. I frowned at her leg, okay, this is creepy.

"You are so much better than Liam," She whispered into my neck. Her lips trailed onto my neck, I tried to push her away, "Get the hell off of me," I growled. She smiled sweetly, "Come on, Niall! You know you love this! Nicole would never be able to give this to you!"

"I said get off of me!" I yelled at her, now standing up. I know I wasn't sticking to the plan, but I'm not letting her say something like that.

"I'm so sick of you shit!" I yelled, "You are such a slut, and I can't stand it anymore!"

Meredith glared at me, and stood up. She stomped over to me, and cupped my face with her hands. She dug her fingernails into my cheeks, and slammed her lips against my lips. She was way stronger than she looked. She slipped her tongue into my mouth, as she tried to make out with me. I tried to push her off of me, but she would only hold on tighter. I tried to escape her grasp, but she wouldn't let go of me.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I heard Liam yell. Meredith finally let go of me, and I stood there gasping for breath.

"L-Liam... I can explain!" Meredith cried. Liam stomped over to Meredith, "I saw what happened! You were making out with Niall!"

"U-Um-" Meredith began, but Liam interrupted her, "WE'RE THROUGH! GET YOUR SLUTTY ASS OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Liam yelled at her. She ran out of the room, crying. Liam watched her leave, glaring. The room was silent after the door slammed. I saw Liam's hands were clenched in fists.

"Liam, are you-" I began, but was interrupted by Harry running down the stairs, "NIALL I GOT IT!"

His voice fell when he was Liam, "O-Oh, Liam saw?" Harry asked me. I nodded. Harry walked down the stairs, and over to Liam. He placed his hand on Liam's shoulder, "Look, Liam, I'm sorry that-"

Liam turned around, and I could see tears streaming down his face. Harry pulled Liam into a hug, and let him cry onto his shoulder.

"Shh..." Harry whispered comfortingly to Liam, "It's okay. She isn't worth crying over."

"I-I thought I was in l-love with her!" Liam cried, "I-I'm s-sorry. I should've l-listened to you!"

"It's okay," I replied, "I wouldn't have believed us either."

"Well, at least you're no longer dating someone who takes advantage of you," Harry replied. I heard Liam sniff, and then say, "I-I shouldn't have dated her. I s-saw her, and thought s-she was the o-one."

"You may have thought that, but you have to realize that love takes time," I said.

"I'm n-not going to d-date a girl because she's pretty," Liam announced, "I'm going to wait."

*Nicole's P.O.V.*

Aislinn and I moved into our apartment about two weeks ago. We really love it. It has two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, and a bathroom. It's small, but pretty and comfortable. We've completely set up the house, and it's finally organized. We don't have much furniture, because we are sort of poor, but we're working on it. I've still been working, I haven't had any more run-ins with people I know, which is good. The bad news is, that I haven't stopped cutting. I keep getting urges whenever I think of Niall or Harry. I've decided to just give in, because I can't keep resisting. The temptations are too strong.

I woke up in the middle of the night to a scream. My eyes immediately opened, and I jumped out of bed. Please say everything is okay! Please, don't let anything happen to Aislinn! I ran over to her bedroom, and saw that she wasn't in bed. I felt my body starting to tremble. I ran over to the bathroom. I saw a light peek in from under the closed bathroom door. I quickly opened it up. I looked down to see Aislinn curled up in a ball on the floor. I quickly crouched down beside her. I saw her face was tear-stained, and her eyes were squeezed shut, like she was trying to push away a bad memory. She looked like she was in pain. I looked at her side, to see her shirt was halfway pushed up, and blood was dripping down her side. She had cut herself.

"Aislinn!" I cried, "What happened?"

"I-I saw him..." She whispered. I frowned, "Who?"

"D-Daddy...." She whispered. She must've had a nightmare about her Father abusing her. I helped her up, so she was sitting. Her gaze was on the ground, and tears were still falling from her eyes.
"Aislinn, look at me," I commanded. She didn't look up at me. I lifted her head up with my hands, so she had to look me in the eyes, "Your Father is gone. He will no longer hurt you. You don't need to cut yourself over this."

"You don't know that!" Aislinn cried, tears falling from her eyes.

"I know that cutting won't help you solve your problems," I replied. I saw a frown form on Aislinn's face, "Oh yeah? Why don't you tell yourself that?" She asked. I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, do you think I don't know that I've seen you cutting yourself every night?" Aislinn asked, angrily, "I don't say anything, because we're friends. I understand how difficult it is to stop cutting!"

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered, "I shouldn't be correcting things that I also do..."

"It's okay," Aislinn mumbled. I sat down beside her, and pulled her into a hug, "It will be okay..." I whispered. I say that to comfort her, but do I really know if everything will be okay?"

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