They Don't Know About Us

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*Niall's P.O.V.*

Another week has passed. Zayn came home with three broken knuckles last week. I didn't get mad at him because... I know I'd probably do the same if Nicole died. I just wish that I could somehow help Zayn through this depression, but I can't do a thing. I watch him suffer, and I can only tell him the lie, that it will get better.

I pulled myself out of bed, and walked down the hall. As I was walking, I passed Zayn's room. I heard him talking. I walked closer to the door, to listen to what he was saying.

"Mason... Your Mom.... Was perfect," Zayn quietly said, "I wish you could've lived to meet her. I wish she could've seen you. But, at least I have you. At least I have you. She left you behind, so I could go on without her. I can only continue life, with you around. Because, I love you."

I smiled, thinking about what Zayn said. Maybe he is finally better. Maybe he's right. I think Mason had helped Zayn recover. Zayn can't always be crying, when he has to take care of Mason. Mason distracts him from the depressing thoughts.

I walked downstairs to see Liam and Aislinn in the kitchen.

"Hey, is Zayn up?" Liam asked me. I nodded, "Yeah, he's taking care of Mason in his room. Why?"

"Well, he got a call.... From Rachel's Mom," Liam replied. I fell silent, knowing that this couldn't be good, "What did she say?" I quietly asked.

"Rachel's funeral is in a couple days, and.... She said she doesn't want Zayn there," Liam answered, "We're all allowed to come, but not him.. Or Mason."

"That's horrible," I muttered, "Are you going to tell him?"

"I don't know," Liam quietly replied, "He'll be devastated if he finds out, but I'll feel bad if I don't. I think I'll just wait, to make the decision."

"Well, I think I'm going to go to the hospital," I told them.

"Oh, I visited Nicole yesterday, I saw a girl there, too," Aislinn said.

"Did she have dark brown hair and blue eyes?" I asked. Aislinn frowned, "How did you know?"

"I ran into her at the hospital, too," I replied, "She says that she is friends with Nicole. She seems to be really sorry that she didn't help out Nicole... I really don't know what to think of her."

"Well, I'm just going to trust her," Aislinn replied, "She seems nice enough."

I sighed, "I guess... Well, I better go. Bye."

Aislinn and Liam said bye, and I left. I drove over to the hospital parking lot, and got out. I walked into the hospital, and headed over to the waiting room. Sitting in the plastic chair with her Mom was little Ella. She's come here every day, just like me.

Her face lit up when she saw me. Every day, she reacted the same. She always acts like I'm the best person in the world.

Ella ran over to me, and we hugged, like usual.

"Yay!" She exclaimed, "You're here, Niall!"

"It's great seeing you, too, Ella," I replied, "How's your sister?"

"She's doing great!" Ella exclaimed, "I have the most fantastical news!"

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Lauren gets to come home today!" Ella exclaimed, "I get to see her again!"

"That's great!" I exclaimed. Ella pulled something out of her pocket, "I get to give her this today," She showed the note that I had written a couple weeks ago.

"Why would we just give her this?" I asked. She frowned, "What do you mean, Niall?"

"Why don't I meet her?" I asked, "I've really wanted to meet her."

Ella's face lit up, "She'll love that!" Ella grabbed my arm, "Follow me!"

Ella led me over to her Mom, "Mommy?" She asked. Her Mom looked up from the magazine, "Yes, sweetie?"

"I want Lauren to meet Niall," She said. Her Mom scanned me for a minute, "Wait, is he the guy on her posters?" She asked, shocked. Ella nodded, "Yes, he's from One Direction!"

"Wow... Ella, you meet interesting people...." Her mom mumbled, "Well, I know it will make Lauren happy, so of course!"

"When's she coming?" Ella asked, impatiently.

"In a couple minutes, Ella," Her mom replied, "Be patient."

Ella groaned, and led me back over to the plastic chairs. Ella sighed, and plopped down on one of the chairs. I sat at the chair beside her. Suddenly, I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"What's wrong, Ella?" I asked her, wiping away the tear on her cheek.

"I-I won't be able to see you again when Lauren goes home," Ella cried.

"No, I will see you again," I replied. She looked up at me with big eyes, "How?"

"Why don't you just call me up when you want to see me?" I asked, "Then you and your Mom can meet me somewhere, like the park."

Ella smiled, "Okay!"

"Here, I'll write down my number," I replied. Ella handed me her notepad, that also had the note to Lauren. I quickly scribbled down my number, and handed it back to Ella. She smiled, "We have to see each other again! We're best friends, remember?"

I smiled, "How could I forget."

Suddenly, the door opened. A girl walked out, she didn't have much hair on her head, but she had pretty blue eyes. She walked over and hugged Ella's mom. That must be Lauren.

She let go of her Mom, and turned to Ella. Then, she saw me, "N-Niall H-Horan?"

I stood up and smiled, "I've been wanting to meet you for a while."

Her eyes popped out of her head, "Y-You wanted t-to meet m-me?"

I nodded, "Of course. I've heard lots about you from Ella."

Lauren looked at Ella, "Y-You know N-Niall?"

She nodded happily, "Yeah! We're best friends! He met me when he went to visit his girlfriend that won't wake up!"

Lauren frowned, "Won't wake up?" She asked.

"She's in a coma," I replied. Lauren's eyes went wide, "Oh, I'm sorry. Your girlfriend is Nicole Everense, right?"

"Yeah," I replied. Lauren grinned, "Can I meet her? She's such an inspiration to me!"

I smiled, happy to know she had a fan, "Of course. It's just this way."

Ella, Lauren, and their mom followed behind me. I navigated my way through the halls, towards Nicole's room. I pushed open the door, and held it open, so they could walk in first. They walked in, and I shut the door behind me.

"Niall, she's so pretty!" Ella exclaimed.

"Yeah... She is," Lauren mumbled. I could see her eyes staring at the scars on her arms, and bruises scattered across her skin. Ella walked closer to Nicole's bed side, "Why does she have lines on her skin?"

Her mom walked over to Ella, "Ella, that's not something you should ask," Her mom quietly told her. I shook my head, "No, it's fine. I can tell her," I replied, "Nicole, she hurt herself. It was wrong, but she thought that it would make her feel better. It didn't though..."

"I hope she feels better," Lauren quietly said. Ella walked closer to Nicole's side, and tapped her shoulder, "Wake up. Niall wants you to wake up, Nicole!" She exclaimed. She then shook her shoulder, "Wake up, wake up!"

Ella stopped, then turned back to me, "You're right, Niall," She quietly told me, "She won't wake up..."

"Ella, Lauren, we better go home now," Their mom said. I walked over to Lauren and hugged her. She seemed surprised, but happily hugged back, "T-Thank you so much," She whispered. We parted, "Thank Ella," I replied, "She's the one who told me so much about you."

"Wait, Lauren!" Ella exclaimed. She pulled her notepad out of her pocket, "I have a present for you. I was going to give it to you when you got out of the hospital, so here you go!"

Ella handed her the note. Lauren's eyes scanned over it, "Thanks so much."

Ella quickly ran over to me, and tightly hugged my waist, "Bye Niall!" She exclaimed, and I hugged her back, "I hope to see you soon, Ella."

"Same here," She whispered. We let go, and they both waved good bye to me, as they left. The door closed, leaving me alone with Nicole. I pulled up a chair, and sat beside her.

"Nicole... That's Ella and Lauren," I told her, "Ella kept me from falling into depression over you. She's really an amazing little girl. Maybe someday you can meet her in person."

I sighed, and pulled out a small item from my pocket. My fingers ran over it, messing around with it, "I hope you'll wake up soon," I whispered, "I really miss you. I can't live without you. I will always be by your side. Please come back."

I sighed, when she didn't wake up. I shoved the item back in my pocket. I walked out of her room, and out of the hospital.

As I walked out, press crowded around me, taking pictures and asking questions.

"What were you doing?"

"Are you visiting your girlfriend?"

"Is she dead?"

"Is it true she self harms?"

"Are you disappointed in her?"

Those words stabbed at my heart. Why would I be disappointed? I'm not disappointed in someone who is hurt because of other people. I'm disappointed in people who hurt her like that.

"Why would I be disappointed?" I asked them, causing their questions to silence, "She's hurt, and all you care about is some stupid story. Can't you actually care about people for once? Yeah, she self-harms. Because she is so hurt from other people, like you! You are the people who helped break her! Why don't you care about someone for once!"

Suddenly, I heard someone yelling my name. I turned around, and saw the doctor running towards me. He stopped in front of me, panting, "Niall! Thank God I found you! N-Nicole! I think she's waking up!"

My eyes widened, "R-Really?"

He nodded, "Come on!"

I ran behind the doctor. A grin of hope spreading across my lips. I ran down the hallway, towards Nicole's room. I sprinted in, and saw her. The doctor left me alone. I quickly pulled the small item out of my pocket again.

Nicole was moving, not much, but just a little. Her body slowly wriggled out of the sleep it's been stuck in for so long. Nicole's eyes slowly fluttered open.

I saw the blue eyes that I had missed for so long staring at me. A huge grin spread over our faces, and I felt tears of happiness pricking at the corners of my eyes. I have to do what I've been planning for so long.

I held up the ring which was in my hand, "Nicole, will you marry me?"


You have just reached the end of They Don't Know About Us! I hope you enjoyed the book, as much as I did writing it! The first chapter in the third book in the Save You Tonight series will be up soon. Did I surprise you? You guys are the most amazing readers and I love you so much! Thanks so much for your support in this book. I just love you so much! Haha, well, comment, follow, and like! Bye lovelies! (Lydia)

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