10.5 / fifty-seven days before

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"You seem a little bit distracted, Thea."

I didn't miss the amused tone behind Faust's words as he rested his chin on his palm, eyes sparkling with humor as he watched me bend on my knees again and pick up the books I'd just dropped for the fifth time after our kiss.

I was not going to look at that place the same way ever again.

I sighed, wanting to smack myself in the head for being so clumsy. "Yeah, well, I tend to be when you're around."

He let out a laugh. I smiled, warmth spreading through me at the sound. "I love how you're not even embarrassed about the fact."

"I am embarrassed." Groaning, I pushed the cart forward and moved to the next aisle. Faust stood quickly to follow me. "It's annoying. You're not even touching me and I...well, you get the point, right?"

Faust grinned, a hint of pride written on his expression. "No, I don't. Care to explain?"

"Stop embarrassing me or I'm kicking you out."

It's the same with me."

Furrowing my eyebrows, I took my eyes off the spines of the books I held and raised them to meet with his. "What are you talking about?"

"The day you watched me train. A few Mondays ago. I could barely concentrate on the actual training with your eyes watching my every move," he murmured, stepping closer to me. "But I did my best. I had to if I was going to impress you."

"Impress me?" I repeated lamely.

Faust held his hand up and tucked the loose strands of my hair behind my ear; a gentle gesture. "The interview was an opportunity. I had the chance and I took it. Why else would I have asked you to come?"

I shook my head, unable to stop my mouth from turning up into a wide grin. "You're crazy if you think you still needed to impress me that day. I was already impressed the first time I watched you play."

He stepped back, lips quirking up in a lazy, half-smile. "Yes, but I wasn't playing to score your heart then."

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