23.4 / twenty-six days before

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Sullivan's words stuck like a magnet in my mind. I hadn't mentioned my encounter with him to Paula when she finally walked out of the store to meet me. The relief she felt was evident in her expression.

I was confused as to why Paula had reacted such way, but I didn't have time to dwell on it right now. Who exactly was blackmailing Sullivan? With and for what?

Wrapped up in my thoughts, I hadn't realized Faust had led me inside a very familiar restaurant until we were already inside. Pete and Katy's was pulsing with life as families, couples and friends enjoyed their tasty dishes. Faust and I walked past the booth Nico and I had occupied last night and settled on one of the empty tables by the far corner of the place.

"You've been quiet," Faust observed as he took his seat. "Is something bothering you?"

I offered him a smile and took the menu in my hands. "I'm just tired. Thank you for picking me up. What are you getting?"

"You choose. I don't mind."

"We're not going to split the bill if you don't pick what you want to eat."

He laughed. "Fine. You don't play fair."

After Faust and I decided on pork chops, seafood pasta, and two Cokes, the waiter approached our table. My eyes widened a fraction when I recognized him as the same person who'd taken Nico's order last night. When he looked up from his notepad and his gaze met mine, he gasped in surprise. "Hey! You were here yesterday night with the scary guy, weren't you?"

I let out an awkward chuckle as Faust looked at me questioningly. "Yeah, uh, I was. It's nice to see you again."

He smiled after giving Faust a quick glance. "Right...what can I get you?"

After writing down our orders, the waiter left. Faust leaned back against the chair and raised an eyebrow. "So. Scary guy?"

"Nico took me here last night after working on our assignment," I answered nonchalantly. It wasn't a big deal.


"He just wanted to apologize."

A muscle in Faust's jaw ticked. "And both of you didn't bother to tell me?"

What the hell was his problem? Frowning, I answered quietly, "I didn't even think it was a big deal. Faust, you were at a party. What did you expect me to do? And why are you getting so worked up about this?"

He shook his head and exhaled heavily. "Never mind. Let's just drop it."

I sighed.

We sat in silence for another few seconds before Faust cleared his throat and spoke again. "Beau has been looking for you. I'm starting to think he loves you more than he does me."

Thankful for the subject drop, my mouth stretched into a small smile. "I'd like to see him again too. He's a really cool guy."

Faust nodded. "He is."

Our drinks came. I took a sip from my soda before saying, "Your brother actually invited me for dinner with your parents."

Faust laughed. "Our dining table can't even fit the four of us."

I laughed too, to try and cover my warming cheeks from embarrassment. "Right. Ah, well, I was just wondering why you haven't talked about your parents."

"There's nothing to tell exactly," he said, reaching for his own drink. "But what do you want to know?"

"What your mom is like. Dad. I mean, I know he used to be a basketball star like you, but that's about it. Your relationship with them. You know, the normal stuff."

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