29 / twenty-one days before

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On my way to the gym from the parking lot, JJ nearly toppled me over when he slung an arm around me and ruffled my hair. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Flashing him a smile, I decided to play dumb. "What show?"

"Ah, now what you're not going to do is pretend you don't know what I'm talking about," he said, dark eyes twinkling as he leaned down to pinch my cheek. "You're welcome, Simmons."

I didn't bother giving a response to that. The heat that rose up to my face said enough. I cleared my throat. "Don't you have—"

"Oh." JJ's arm fell from around me as he stopped short and faced me, holding me firmly by the shoulders with a frown on his face. His eyes looked my outfit up and down. "I didn't notice you were wearing it."

I subconsciously brushed my hands down the cotton material of the jacket. "It's my last gift to Faust."

JJ stepped back and tilted his head. "You didn't have to, Thea, you know this. You being here is already more than enough."

"It's just to show my support to him—"

"As his ex-girlfriend?" the jock asked, eyebrows raised. "Well, it's definitely some gift. Listen, Thea, I'm just saying. You don't owe Faust anything."

I groaned. "I know, okay? I know." I waved my hands around and made a noise of frustration. "I just feel like I need to do this too. Okay? A last thing. For closure. Something like that, just—can we go now, please? You're supposed to be warming up or something."

He sighed and put his arm around me again. His hand brushed the lapel of the letterman jacket. "I'll let it go. I'm just glad you're here."

I beamed at him and wrapped an arm around his waist, pressing myself closer to his side. "Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Are you excited?"

"Hell yeah!" he cheered, raising a fist, "we're winning state champs tonight! Maybe I should tape mistletoe to my ass so Pennbrooke can kiss it in the court."

Throwing my head back, I laughed loudly. "I wouldn't put it past you to do such thing, JJ."

He playfully nudged me and hummed. "I'll take that as a compliment."

The gym was roaring with life and excitement. I faced the blonde and tugged on his wrist before he could bid me goodbye. "JJ. About the game yesterday. They shouldn't have done that to you."

He shrugged. "Eh. It is what it is."

"Are you...really not comfortable? Is it why, even in your basketball jersey, you're also wearing a black shirt underneath?"

The curly-haired boy's mouth lifted at the corner. "It's a personal reason, Thea. Don't think about it, okay? You have to have a clear head to cheer us on."

I gave him a warm smile. "Right. I'll be the loudest out there. Just—you know you can talk to me whenever, right?"

With a second of hesitation, JJ moved forward and pulled me into his arms in a tight hug. "Yeah. I know, sweetheart." He pulled back, and in his smile was something I'd never seen before—sadness. "I'll see you after the game, alright? You have a front seat!"

I waved him away with the best grin I could muster. "Yeah, yeah. Go Nighthawks!"

He shot me a wink before disappearing towards the direction of the locker rooms.

By the time I'd weaved my way through thousands of fans to get to the seat presumably saved for me, the game was nearly starting. With a can of soda in my hand, I side-stepped down the front row, where Beau was seated. The older Carter brother jumped up the second he spotted me.

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