35.5 / eight days before

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Nico drove us home with the windows rolled down.

It was quiet as we breezed past the night. Nico reached over to place his hand on my knee. "Hey. We're okay."

I placed my hand over his. "She was your friend."

"She was our friend," he corrected tightly, grip hardening on the steering wheel. "We still don't know the whole story, and it's pissing me off because I have no idea if Paula's behind every mess that's gone down for the past year, or if she's willingly helping the asshole who hurt Anya, or if she's being threatened and blackmailed to do it."

"Or if the car was simply stolen under her name," I added quietly.

Nico sighed. "She panicked when she saw Sullivan."

I leaned back against the seat. "She was really involved, then." Where did we go from here? How could we look Paula in the eye and act like nothing happened?

The rest of the ride was silent. Upon arriving at his house, Nico shut the engine and turned to face me. He looked weary. Exhausted. "That guy from East Hampton recognized you."

"I know."

"I was ready to fight."

"I know. Stop. You're worried about Paula, but we'll be fine. We'll protect each other."

He stared at me. I melted under the intensity of his gaze. "Protecting each other," he murmured, "I like that."

I smiled at him and jumped out of the car. He followed suit and extended his hand for me to take. "Come on. Let's go inside. Are your parents home?"

"Probably," he said with a shrug, opening the front door. "But don't worry, they won't care. They're most likely asleep already."

He led me up the staircase. "I'm hungry."

Nico laughed. "Right, we didn't get to eat anything at the party. I'll order in after we both shower, sound good?"

"Yeah." His room looked the same. Glancing around, I slipped the jacket off my shoulders and took a seat on his bed—the sheets were still black in color. "The last time I was here in this room, you were flirting with me while I typed our assignment."

He shook his head and walked towards his closet and bathroom. There was the sound of water running. "No, the last time you were here, you'd just woken up from fainting."

"Oh. Yeah." I bit my lip. "You took care of me."

Nico leaned against the doorframe, eyes twinkling. "And here you are now."

I stood up, leaving the jacket on the mattress. Taking a few steps forward until I was in front of him, I brought my hands around his waist and stared up at him. His mouth brushed my forehead gently, and I closed my eyes in contentment. "Here I am now."

"The water's running already," he murmured. "Shirt and sweatpants are beside the sink. There's a toothbrush for you too."

I hummed, burying my head on his chest. Nico's fingers ran down my back as he held me tighter against him.

Not knowing where my sudden boldness came from, I muttered against his shirt, "Shower with me."

Nico's whole body froze as he pulled back to look at me. His lips were parted in surprise. "What?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I grasped his fingers and led him inside the bathroom. Nico looked hesitant as he followed me, stepping through the cool tiles. "Do you not want to?"

"You caught me off-guard," he mumbled, a small smile forming on his lips. "You're blushing."

I coughed into my hand. "You do know this is embarrassing, right?"

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