26.5 / twenty-four days before

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There was a blinding light blocking my vision when I came to. I sat up slowly. My whole body was sore and my head still ached.

"Lights," I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut, "lights."

Hurried steps. The brightness lowered.

Nico sat beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"


He was still here.

"Drink this." He handed over a glass of water.

When I gulped everything down, Nico's fingers enclosed around it and set it on the bedside table. "Why am I in your room?"

He frowned. "There was no time to unlock the guest's. You fainted, Thea."

I sighed. "Yeah. I remember."

His features hardened. "You scared the living shit out of me. Don't do that again."

Despite my condition, I managed a small smile. "I'll try my best not to faint in your arms again."

Nico didn't find it funny. His expression softened when he said, "Thea, I'm sorry. Please. Forgive me."

I swallowed hard. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Then let me apologize for this instead."

The bed dipped as Nico sat on the edge and carefully reached out to take my arms gently into his hands. The guilt in his eyes was apparent as he turned them over, his fingertips lightly grazing the red marks he'd painted.

"They don't hurt," I murmured.

Nico shook his head, a few strands of his raven hair falling over his forehead. I had a momentary urge to brush them away before he whispered, "I'm so sorry."

And before I could say that it was no big deal and that they would fade, Nico leaned over and brought my arm to his mouth. I inhaled sharply in surprise when I felt the tender brush of his lips.

My eyes widened. I couldn't pull back.

He left a gentle apology over each bruise, lips whispering their sincerity over my skin. Nico kissed my other forearm and did the same.

Nico straightened and let go of my arms once he was done. His eyes blazed with so much intensity, but I couldn't look away. "Thea."


"For all the times I've hurt you," he said. Softly. Desperately. "It's never what I wanted."

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