38 / five days before

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Sutton was standing in front of the stove when I came downstairs. The pan sizzled with smoke. Without turning back to look at me, she said, "Good morning, sunshine."

"It's noon."

"I know, that's why I'm cooking lunch. Had a good sleep?"

I nodded. "Yeah. The chicken smells good."

She glanced at me with a grin. "I'm almost done with this batch, but you can help yourself with what's on the table."

"It's okay, I'm not that hungry. I'll mix the drinks," I offered, moving to grab the juice sachets on the counter. "Pineapple and mango. Good choices."

"Thanks." Sutton turned off the stove and faced me suddenly, eyes narrowing. "Are you alright? You seem down."

I shrugged and reached up on my tiptoes to take two empty pitchers. "I'm okay."

The blonde looked skeptical. "Where's Nico? Are you two okay?"

I tore open the sachets. "In his room. We're fine. It's just...he's a little sad right now. And I'm not sure how to help him."

"Oh," Sutton said, wrinkling her nose. "I'm sure your presence alone can make him feel better, babe. I'll fix him up a plate then you can bring it upstairs. We're not supposed to eat in the rooms, but I don't think Mr. Finch cares."

A grateful smile made its way onto my face. "Thanks, Sutton. You're the best."

She gave me a cheeky smile back. "Of course I am."

Sutton and I went inside the dining area to serve the food and drinks, and the students at the table hollered their thanks. The door opened, and JJ came in together with the rest of the basketball players save for Faust and Nico. All of them were laughing loudly as they wiped the sweat off their faces, and noticing there was food on the table, they instantly dug in with their bare hands.

Sutton slapped their hands away. "Wash your hands and get some plates, you bffoons. No cavemen."

"No cavemen in this house," Paula echoed around a mouthful of eggs.

JJ laughed. His curls stuck to his forehead. "We got it, beautiful. Wash up, guys. Hey, Thea. You okay? I haven't seen you all morning."

Theo passed me and ruffled my hair. "She was busy lazing around with her boyfriend."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "I'm fine. You? Had a good day out?"

"Yeah, played some more volleyball and I'm beat. Do you know where Nico is? I didn't see him at the beach and I thought he was here."

I turned back to head for the kitchen and he followed me. The basketball players were busy fighting over the sink. "Um, Nico's tired, so he's going to get up a bit later."


"Where's Faust?"

"Outside, on the phone. Here, let me get that," he said, grabbing the tray of glasses I was reaching for. He shot me a wink. "Gotta put these guns to use, right?"

A genuine laugh escaped me. "Right. Just put it on the counter near the dispenser. Thanks, JJ."

"You're welcome, sweetheart," he called over his shoulder.

Oh, JJ. Was it you? Did you do it?

Taking a plate from the cupboard, I headed for the table again when the plate was suddenly snatched from my hands. Killian stared at me in worry. "I'll get you the food. You alright?"

"Fine." I sent him a small smile before he leaned over the table to place a piece of chicken on it, an egg, and two servings of rice. "Thank you."

"No problem." His eyebrows were still furrowed as he gave me back the plate. "You look tired. Is there anything I can do to help?"

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