16.5 / forty-eight days before

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"To finished papers and completed unwanted articles—and more to come," Sutton announced, raising her glass of strawberry milkshake.

"And to dreamy, sexy, and athletic boyfriends," Tara said, quickly glancing at me as she sent a wink my way. "Cheers."

Laughing, we let the glasses of our milkshakes touch before taking the first sip.

Jameson immediately launched into a story all of us but Sutton were familiar with—about two years ago when we had a different editor-in-chief and editorial board, when Leslie had to transcribe a dozen interviews in a matter of hours.

"The audio got mixed up, I think," she said, shaking her head. I bit my lip to muffle my laughter. "There was just...a recording that wasn't supposed to be there in that folder. I was so embarrassed."

"The whole staff room was laughing," Ben cut in, lips stretched into a wide grin. "Until the senior who left Leslie all the work shut it off. She was more embarrassed than you."

"That senior shouldn't have made you do all the work then," Sutton said with a wink, fingers playing with the straw of her milkshake.

We spent the rest of the hour talking, laughing and catching up.

In the middle of a hilarious story Gunner was telling, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to peek at the recent text message. gotta take a rain check on that movie date I promised you, thea.

Frowning, I let the voices of my friends fade into the background as I typed my reply. Is everything alright? Should I be worried?

My fingers tapped the edge of the table as I waited impatiently for an answer. Sutton, Tara, Gunner and Ben were still intently listening to Jameson, occasionally chuckling and interrupting, but Killian's eyes were on me. "Are you okay?" he asked lowly enough for the rest not to hear.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, don't worry."

Faust's reply sounded forced. no. i'm fine. do you have a ride home?

I pursed my lips. I can ask Sutton to drive me or I can take the bus.

please get a ride from Sutton. i have things to take care of. i'll call you tonight.

But he never did.

And all of mine went to voicemail.

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