22 / twenty-nine days before

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The game against Worthington Prep was a close one. Northvale's win earned both Faust and Theo scholarships from two distinct top universities in the state. Nico and JJ were scouted by a third university as well.

"I'll wait up for you," my brother said, flicking my forehead with one hand and drying his hair with a towel with the other. "I might come home from the party really early."

"That's new," I mused, crossing my arms. "Not planning on getting drunk?"

"Not at all. I just want to hang out for a bit and have a good time before I go home."

I smiled as I watched him sit down and put his shoes on. "You don't need to wait up. You should crash as soon as you get in, you need the rest."

"Don't stay too late." Theo stood up and lowered his head to leave a kiss on my forehead. "Take care. Text me if you need anything."

"You too."

He gave me a wave and left.

Faust came out of the shower a few minutes later, a frown still on his face. "I'm still not happy about this."

I sighed. "We're talking about me doing my assignment with Nico. Your best friend."

"Maybe I should tag along," he suggested with a bright smile, baby blues widening. "You know. Just in case."

"Just in case what?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows. "No tagging along. This is for my grade and Nico's. Plus, I know how much you wanted to go to the party."

"I wanted to go there with you," he murmured sulkily, wrapping an arm around my waist. "Can't you do this some other time? Preferably with me?"

"Faust." I slipped out of his hold and gripped his forearm, staring deep into his eyes. "I'm not asking for your permission. I'm going whether you like it or not. Frankly, I have no idea why you're so paranoid about this, but this is for school. Alright?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but JJ stepped in between us and threw his arm over Faust's shoulder. "No backing out, captain. You're my ride and you promised you weren't going to bail on me."

Faust frowned at his friend and glanced at me, and my lips curved at the corners. "It's fine. I was actually planning to get a cab to and from Nico's. No need to—"

"My place, my ride," a quiet voice said from behind Faust. With his raven-colored hair a damp mess on his head, Nico came into view fully-dressed in a simple black, fitted shirt and jeans. "No arguments. From either of you."

Ever since Nico confessed that he owned the red scarf, my interactions with him had been awkward. Although I'd been trying for the past few days for our relationship to be as normal as it was before (including all the bickering), Nico had refused to give me anything but cold, short answers and barely a glance.

Returning the scarf to him also seemed like a bad idea, so I kept it.

Just to play along, I said, "I'll pay for the gas."

"Like hell you are," Nico said at the same time Faust countered, "No, you're not."

They looked at each other for a fleeting moment, gazes narrowing slightly until JJ clapped his hands. "Great. Since that's settled, Faust and I will enjoy ourselves at the party while you two work on your biology..."

"Assignment," I mumbled.

"Right, whatever." JJ grinned and tilted his head to the direction of the parking lot. "Let's go, man."

Faust stepped towards me and wrapped his hand around the base of my neck, leaning down. Aware that Nico was watching, I turned my head just in time for his lips to come in contact with my cheek instead. I looked down. "I'll see you on Monday."

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