23 / twenty-eight days before

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thank you to everyone reading. i hope you're enjoying it so far and don't forget to leave comments!! i always read them. let me know what you like/don't like!


My feet were starting to ache. I tightened my hold on the I paper bag I carried as I trudged behind Paula, dragging my shoes across the floor. We'd been walking in and out of countless stores in the mall for hours, and I had no idea how the cheerleader looked like she hadn't even broken a sweat.

It was too bad I couldn't share the misery with Sutton. The blonde really hadn't been available due to her student council duties.

I'd already picked out a simple black dress two hours ago that I could pair with my heels at home, but not a single one of the dresses Paula had tried on had met her standards. There was always something wrong with it—too dark, too many ruffles, the bow was too large, the straps were too thin. Paula was determined to find the best.

We entered another store and I immediately took a seat on the couch next to a middle-aged man and his son who both looked as tired as I did. Taking out my phone from my pocket, I quickly typed a text to Faust while my friend looked around. Do you have plans today?

His reply came two minutes later. Working out at the gym. i thought you went shopping with paula?

I still am, but I'm tired already :(

picked out a dress yet? ;)

I rolled my eyes. yeah.

do you wanna grab dinner with me? i'll come pick you up then we can have that second date :)

Sounds good. take a quick shower before you leave.

There was a smile in Faust's reply. was already planning to. see you.

Standing up, I walked around aisles of clothes until I found Paula holding up a coral blue dress. "Hey. Faust is coming to pick me up. We're going to get dinner."

She wagged her eyebrows at me. "Maybe he's finally going to ask you to the dance."

I frowned. I hadn't realized Faust hadn't asked me yet as his date. What were the rules in this situation? Was it implied that couples should go together? Was Faust not interested in going? "We'll see," I answered instead, shutting down the questions in my mind. "Are you going to be okay by yourself? I mean, it's fine if I leave right?"

Paula waved her hand dismissively as she placed the dress back in the rack and rummaged through the rest of the clothes with her fingers. "Of course! I wouldn't want to keep you from your date with Faust. You've been such a bore as a shopping partner anyway."

"Gee, thanks."

She laughed. "I was just kidding. I'm fine by myself, Thea, don't worry. I was going to ask you to come grab dinner with me and some of my friends from the squad but that can wait another day."

I leaned against the wall and played with my curls. "I'd love to meet them sometime. By the way, are you going to the dance with a date? Has someone asked you?"

"I turned them all down," Paula answered, taking out a purple cocktail dress and examining it from arm's length. "I wanted to go stag."

"Just like JJ."

Her eyes gleamed wickedly. "We both just happen to love the idea of being stolen for dances."

Pursing my lips, I tucked a strand of my hair beneath my ear. "Uh, Paula?"


"Do you think it's strange that Faust hasn't asked me out to the dance yet?"

Noticing my quiet tone, Paula turned to face me and tilted her head slightly. "No, I don't think so. I mean, he could ask you during your date tonight, but if he doesn't...well, I'm betting he's not thinking about it because of state championships."

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