12 / fifty-four days before

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I didn't want to deal with Nico's insufferable attitude the next morning, so I decided, half-regrettably, to skip first period biology and spend it in the staff room of The Nighthawks' Gazette, where Sutton, Tara, Jameson and the rest of the editorial team were finalizing the layout of this month's issue.

I fiddled with my fingers on my lap as I watched them argue over the positioning of the columns. I leaned back against the chair, my mind hopelessly wandering to that time when I was the basketball star's sister in the shadows. I didn't want to delve into the drama much deeper, but I was already involved—trapped in the feud that had been going on for years. Ever since the scene at lunch and the talk with my brother last night, I didn't want to be, but I'd grown slightly curious about the reason behind their spite for each other. Faust and Theo both had equally matching intensities, and both craved for the glory that came with their titles as athletes.

However, I wasn't a prize they dangled over each other's heads. I needed to make them see that.

Sutton snapped her fingers in my face. "Hey, Thea!"

I shook my head, blinking a couple of times as I sat up straight. "M'sorry—what?"

The blonde knowingly smiled, dropping herself on the bean bag. "I was asking what your plans were for Valentine's Day."

"Oh." I scrunched my nose. "Eating chocolate ice cream while watching a movie at home."

"Sounds romantic," Sutton mused. "It is a Sunday, after all."

"A good day for a family brunch," Ben muttered, eyes fixed onto his computer screen. "A good day for formally meeting the parents..."

Leslie knocked her hand on his desk. "You're quite shaken, aren't you?"

Tara grinned. "Good luck, Ben. I think you'll need it."

Sutton tugged on my elbow. "Is that Faust outside?"

At the statement, all heads turned towards the door, where in fact, Faust stood with a grim expression on his face, unreadable eyes locking with mine.

Standing up, I cleared my throat. "Excuse me."

"Oh, you are so excused," Tara remarked, sighing in delight from the sight.

I resisted the urge to deck her against the table, and proceeded outside with my heart pounding in an incredibly fast rate.

Faust wasted no time once I closed the door. "Can we talk? In private?"

Before I could utter a word, his hand wrapped itself around my wrist, making me gasp in surprise as I was pulled into the next classroom by the hall which was fortunately empty. He locked the door behind him once we were both inside, tucking both hands into his hoodie pockets. "You weren't answering my calls."

The accusing tone made me falter. My eyebrows furrowed as I answered, "I wasn't in the mood to talk."

Faust studied me for a moment, swallowing hard as he rubbed the nape of his neck. "I wanted to apologize for yesterday. For Nico's behavior and mine."

This was the difference between him and my brother. Theo was reluctant, always so reluctant to admitting to his faults. It was yet another downfall of his character. "It's okay."

"No, it's not." Faust sighed, stepping forward until we were inches apart. Reaching his hand out, he gently placed his palm over my cheek, and the gesture made me lean against him. "What I said—it hurt you."

"How could it not? No matter how much of a dirtbag he is, he's still my brother."

"And me? What am I to you?"

The question caught me off guard, and I was rendered speechless. Faust forced a smile on his lips, taking his hand back and stepping away. "That came out of nowhere. You don't have to answer that now."

"Did you deliberately make Nico ask me out to piss Theo off?"

Faust looked hurt as he shook his head. "I've never lied to you and I'm not going to start now, Thea. I hate the guy's guts and he hates mine—that much you know, but I would never have done that just to look for a fight. Nico did so without my knowledge, and even though he wants to anger Theo, I don't—I'm not that petty."

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms over my chest. "I believe you."

He sighed in relief, and I moved forward, locking my arms around his neck and pulling him down to the level of my eyes. "I'm sorry for not answering your calls. I've had a lot in my mind and I was—"

Faust leaned down and captured my lips with his, effectively cutting the rest of my sentence off. Letting out a sound of satisfaction, I let my fingers curl in his ink-black hair, tilting my head to the side as he kissed me—slow and soft.

"You were too close and I couldn't resist," he said once he pulled away, hands at my sides while his thumbs brushed the skin under my shirt with a wide grin on his face. "Sorry."

I raised my eyebrows, smiling back at him. "Are you really?"

"Nope," Faust replied, his arms coming around me to pull me close. I felt the fast beats of his heart as I laid my head on his chest. "Not this time."


Later that day, thanks to Faust, I was in a better mood. It wasn't until I reached my locker after last period that the giddiness I'd felt this morning was gone in a flash.

"Theo's going to kill you if he sees you waiting for me, you know."

Nico rolled his green eyes, pushing himself off the wall with one hand on his bag strap and the other holding pieces of paper. "I'm not scared of him."

"Apparently, no one is except for me," I muttered under my breath, popping open my locker combination. "What do you want?"

Suddenly, the stack of papers were shoved in my hands, and my mouth dropped in surprise. "Here are the biology worksheets you missed this morning. I've already done my part. Deadline's tomorrow."

Forcing a smile on my face, I inserted them in my bag before stacking my books neatly according to place, shutting it close before turning to Nico. "Anything else you need?"

His eyes scanned me from head to toe as his arms crossed over his chest, golden-flecked skin shining under the light. "You're not my type."


"And don't skip out biology on me again, or I swear to God."

He turned and stalked away, leaving me astounded.

If this was Nico's twisted way of apologizing and telling me he didn't mean to ask me out because I wasn't his type—that he was only doing it to piss my brother off, then I'd accept it for now.

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