14 / fifty-one days before

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"You're a miracle worker, Thea, but my head feels like it's about to explode any minute now."

My lips curled upwards into a wide grin. Paula shoved the mathematics textbook away with one hand as she propped her elbow on the table, laying her cheek against her forearm. "My debt is paid. You're welcome."

The cheerleader sat upright, reaching back to fix her ponytail. "Did you get anything from your locker?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Chocolates, flowers, notes," she clarified, mouth stretching into a smile. "Apparently, Sutton Kirk is more popular than the cheerleaders."

"I wouldn't be surprised if her locker overflowed with those things," I said, picking my bag up from the floor. "And to answer your question, I did."

Paula's eyes widened as she leaned closer. "From who? What did it say?"

"They were just a bag of my favorite chocolates left by someone who wanted to stay anonymous. It's not a big deal."

"Does Faust know?"

"He doesn't really need to."

"That's debatable."

"I gave you a guaranteed A for tomorrow's test."

Paula scoffed. "Fine. I won't mention a thing to him, but please don't remind me about the damn test. I still have practice in twenty minutes."

"Speaking of practice, the basketball team's just finished theirs." I stood and slung my bag over my shoulder, pushing the chair into its proper place. Paula's eyebrows wagged. "Oh, shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" she protested.

"The look on your face was enough. Good luck on the test!"

Laughing, I sauntered out of the library as Paula's middle finger rose in the air towards my direction.

I swung open the library doors, only to hear a loud groan together with a curse from the other side. Widening my eyes, I immediately rushed over to the person I'd hit the door with, who was holding his nose with one hand. "Oh God, I am so sorry—"

Nico let out a snort, as if trying to contain his laughter at my embarrassment, and crossed his arms over his chest.

Faust, who was standing by his side, dressed in a blue shirt and jeans with his hair slightly damp from a shower, elbowed his best friend. "Shut up."

I shot a quick glare at my biology partner before returning my attention to the victim, who I immediately recognized as JJ Ford, Northvale's resident playboy. "I didn't do it on purpose. I never would've done it in purpose, I'm so sorry—"

"Sweetheart," he said with a chuckle, holding up a hand to his nose, "your rambling's cute, and honestly, I'd get hit by a door a million times if you were the one pushing it."

Shaking my head with a smile and a roll of my eyes, it was easy to see why and how JJ had earned that title and reputation. Just by his looks, with curly, dirty blonde hair, mesmerizing charcoal-colored eyes and a dimpled smile, his personality as a well-renowned flirt was a real charmer as well.

Faust reached out to shove his shoulder before I could answer. "Back off, man."

My lips parted at Faust's reaction, but it seemed to have no effect on either boy—almost as if they already knew. Nico merely rolled his eyes once more, and JJ laughed, throwing his head back as a response to Faust's low warning and dropping his hand. "Chill out, Carter." He stepped aside to move closer to me, pinning me with his gaze and wide grin as he reached out his hand. "I don't think we've officially met. My name is JJ Ford, but you can call me yours."

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