30.8 / fourteen days before

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Theo wasn't home when we arrived, and Mom and Dad were sound asleep.

After filling our tummies in the dining room dressed fancy in a dress and a tuxedo, Nico followed me upstairs to my room. With my heartbeat threatening to escape from my chest, I led him there quietly, and his footsteps were quiet as well.

Nico placed the bag of his clothes and essentials on the floor once inside—we'd dropped by his house earlier to grab his stuff before going home. His eyes roamed, glancing towards my bed, to my dresser, to the pictures lined up against the desk. His silence only spiked my nervousness further.

I set a hand on the wall to take off my heels, and a sigh of relief escaped me. "You still haven't asked."

"Do you want me to?"

The intensity of his stare made me turn around and start pulling out the pins from my hair to keep myself and my hands busy. "I'm sure you're curious..."

Nico sighed. "I have a feeling I know what Theo was worried about. And I don't blame him."

"On a second thought, I don't want to talk about it anymore," I murmured, reaching behind me to unclasp the silver necklace I had on.

Goosebumps rose against my skin when large hands came softly around the nape of my neck and unclasped the necklace for me.

"Thanks," I muttered, placing the jewelry down on the desk and moving to open drawers. "You can take a shower first if you want."

Nico's mouth tugged up at one corner. "Go first, princess. I'll keep myself busy."

Once the bathroom door was closed, I put my head on my palms and tried to breathe.

Dear God.

I tried to ignore the shaking of my fingers as I first removed the makeup left on my face and brushed my teeth. I slipped out of the dress and entered the shower after, letting the water rinse my body as the events of tonight started to cloud my thoughts. My eyes still felt heavy once I stepped out and wrapped myself in a towel before dressing in a thin cotton t-shirt and gym shorts, exhausted to the point that I didn't particularly care anymore that I was going to present myself as barefaced in front of Nico.

He was still seated at the same spot when I came out of the bathroom, but his elbows were propped against his knees and his head was down. I toyed with the hem of my shirt as I stared at him, and what came out of my mouth was, "You don't look very busy to me."

Nico's eyes met mine, and he stated lowly, "You're wearing my shirt."

I looked down, and a blush made its way to my cheeks. I hadn't even noticed that I pulled it out of my closet. "Oh, well, you don't want it back, right? Do you want me to change?"

He shook his head. Nico's gaze travelled down to my legs slowly before settling back on my eyes. I had half a mind to throw a pillow in his direction for checking me out so brazenly, but the words he spoke next made me want to hide in the bathroom forever. "I might need a cold shower, though. That fine?"


"Just kidding." He stood and walked over to where I was standing, and I stayed—my feet frozen to the ground as though I suddenly couldn't move. He reached me in two strides and clutched the shirt by my waist with his two hands as he took a shaky breath. "Or not."

He saved me from responding when he squeezed my hip and entered the bathroom, grabbing his bag on the way.

I jumped on the bed and hid my face in the covers, feeling my pulse race and my face heat up.

Nico found me the same way a few minutes later. "You good there?"

"Fine," I answered.

A chuckle. "You don't look fine."

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