when he confessed

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"How are you really feeling? Honestly."

Numbly, Nico watched Thea as she pressed her palm against Faust's forehead. Her features drew together, and there was a crease between her eyebrows that appeared whenever she was worried.

Faust was lucky.

"Fever's been gone since this morning so I think I'll make it to school tomorrow. Good to know you've missed me, Thea."

And Faust was also an asshole for lying to her like this—they were both assholes.

When Thea had said at lunch that she'd visit his best friend, Nico didn't know if he'd wanted to contact Faust or not.

He almost didn't.

"Get your ass back to Northvale," Nico had snarled. "Thea's visiting you after school and she's not taking no for an answer."

Faust had cursed. "Okay. I can make it. Thanks for the warning."

Nico had hung up.

Thea retracted her hand. "I wanted to check on you. I met your brother."

Faust's smile faltered as he reached over and tucked a strand of her hair beneath her ear. "And?"

"And he was really nice."

"Did you expect him to be the opposite from Theo's story?"

Thea shook her head. "No. From what my brother told me, Beau was really brave and considerate. I'm sorry he was accused."

Nico took a deep breath. Thea's heart was so incredibly big and warm and kind.

Faust was lucky.

"No need to apologize for things you had no knowledge nor control of. It's me who needs to do the apologizing. Especially about last Friday."

Thea's fingers rubbed her forehead. "Faust, I—"

Faust took her hand. Nico looked away. "Thea, I'm really sorry. I know I shouldn't have given my consent. I was too worried about what people would think of me that it hadn't crossed my mind what they would think of you. The comments were all my fault. You didn't deserve that."

And despite all the other lies, Faust was telling her the truth.

"Thank you," Thea mumbled. "You're forgiven. The talk has died down a bit. Nico and the others were...helpful."

Nico distinctly remembered threatening a lot of people for what they said to and about Thea. The term 'helpful' was funny. "Helpful," Nico said, snorting, as he leaned against the doorway. "Right."

Thea didn't even spare him a glance. "Let's just move on from that. They got what they deserved, anyway."

They really did. Nico made sure of it.

Faust nodded. "About...um, Anya."

Nico scrunched his nose. The name felt unfamiliar.

"Oh," Thea said. "D'you want to talk about that now?"

"You can just let me know whatever Theo told you," Faust offered with a shrug. "I want to know if he's telling the truth. I'll cut in bits from my side."

And so Thea launched into the story slowly.

While they talked, Nico took out his phone. Don't think you're off the hook. You're dead when I see you again :)


you were being OBVIOUS, dumbass. she didn't need to know about us going after the assholes who commented shit about her, either. Thea doesn't want anyone getting hurt, alright? Even when it's for her.

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