34 / ten days before

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Faust was relieved with the knowledge that there was some sort of information, with Silas's help, that would hopefully help get the target off Beau's back.

"I appreciate what your mother is trying to do," he said with a small smile, "but the Abbeys aren't easy to convince. There's also been some sort of uneasiness now whenever I come over between Anya's parents and I. Even Anya herself is a little uncomfortable."

A frown found its way onto my face. "I'm sorry you're going through this, Faust. It's a tough position to be in."

He shrugged nonchalantly, but his shoulders slumped from the heaviness that burdened them. As if he carried the weight of the sky. "We'll figure it out. Sullivan hasn't been in contact?"

I shook my head and leaned against the chair to stretch my legs. "No. But we need to talk to him as well."

"Yeah," Faust murmured, furrowing his brow, "I just wish we didn't have to."

I nodded in agreement.

Faust stepped closer. Aside from the two of us, the staff room was empty, and the sounds of his footsteps echoed across the walls. I looked up at him. The blue in his eyes were soft.

"Thank you, Thea."

Ah. "No problem."

He stared at me three seconds too long. "Are you and Nico okay?"

The mention of Nico's name had last night flashing through my mind. While my lips pulled up into a smile, the familiar heat of embarrassment rose up to paint the paleness of my cheeks. "Yeah. We're good."

Faust nodded. "Good. That's, uh...good."

I nodded, too. "Yeah. And you?"

He furrowed his brows. "Like I said, Anya—"

"Wasn't talking about her," I interjected, fiddling with my fingers. "I meant you and Theo. What's going to happen between you two?"

Faust scoffed. "I already apologized the other day. He wouldn't hear it."

"He thinks you're insincere. And that you apologized just because you needed our help."

The basketball player exhaled heavily. "So you're saying I should apologize again? What about him? Theo's not exactly on board with rebuilding our friendship."

I shook my head. "Getting back the type of friendship you both had is a step too fast and too big. Just...I don't know, at least try to be civil with each other. Apologize again when the time is right and when you actually mean it. He will, too. Believe me."

Faust's mouth twitched. "And if it doesn't work this time around?"

Leaning back against the chair, I crossed my arms. "Not everything is meant to be mended, Faust. You and Theo decide that."

He cocked his head and smiled. "And then you'll just remember me as your brother's high school rival."

I grinned sweetly. "Sure. We can go with that."

Faust laughed once and shook his head. "Being remembered, though," he muttered, eyes peeking over at a distance, "that's nice."

Raising an eyebrow, I told him, "The whole country probably knows your name, Faust. What are you worried about?"

The light in his eyes dimmed when he looked at me. "Being remembered for the wrong reasons, I guess."

"...you know I was joking earlier, right?"

Faust threw his head back and laughed again. "Yeah. Just...never mind, it was a silly thought." He bit his lip. "Before I go, I just wanted to tell you that I—I'm really thankful we're still friends, Thea. After every horrible thing I've done."

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