25.5 / twenty-six days before

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Two hours later, when I sat in front of my desk and drowned myself in homework and tasks for the school paper to get the events of today out of my mind, the phone beside my book chimed with a text. faust is fine. don't worry about him.

I gritted my teeth as I angrily smashed my fingers against the keyboard. I'm not worried.

A few minutes passed by. Nico's reply was resigned—careful. ...i know you're mad.

I'm not mad. Even though I was.

this is just something that he has to do.

I wanted to cry out in frustration and pull out the strands of my hair. then why are you texting me and not him? you couldn't even reply back when I asked you where you were this morning.

he's busy.

I'm busy too. Bye.

Nico didn't bother answering.

He was good at that.

The ink left ugly smudges against the paper as I wrote, my fingers tightening themselves around the pen in a mix of emotions—anger, humiliation, disappointment.

It was another hour later, when I'd calmed down enough, that my phone buzzed again. how are you feeling now?

I pursed my lips. suddenly you care about me.

dont even fucking go there. I'm worried. if I could tell you everything I would. it's just not my place to say.

My hands curled themselves into fists before my fingers were tapping the screen. It's because faust is your best friend that you're not saying anything either. honestly I'm tired of all his lies and secrets. I'm not even sure when they started but i'm exhausted, nico.

Nico still chose to be careful with this words. he'll tell you soon. I promise.

I didn't believe him. goodnight.

Crawling under the covers, I turned on my side and waited for the phone to light up with his response. Thea?


I apologize for disrespecting you earlier. You're not a piece of property.

I sighed, and typed away my response. Thank you, Nico.

sleep well.

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