15 / fifty days before

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If Theo was still angry, he didn't show it.

He was good at that sometimes.

When I'd come to him to let him know that Faust would be over to meet our parents, he'd simply shrugged and returned to his video game, asking, "Do you need a ride to the game?"

It had been better than being ignored. "That would be nice. By the way, how'd you find out about the jacket?"

"You're not exactly discreet," he'd answered. "It's not exactly hidden properly, either. A sleeve was peeking out."

I'd pursed my lips and nodded. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're not."

"Okay, I'm thankful. I know you don't like Faust—"

"That's a very mild word, sis."

"—but I appreciate the fact that you're trying to be civil about the situation."

No more words had been exchanged after that. I'd left after ten seconds of silence.

After taking a quick shower, I dried my hair before dressing in ripped jeans, a navy blue Northvale t-shirt to show school spirit, and green Chucks, donning the letterman jacket Faust had lent me over the outfit. If I wanted Theo and Faust to get along, I didn't want to have to feel like I had to hide anything or hold anything back from my brother because I was afraid of infuriating him.

Downstairs, my mother wore an apron over her pencil skirt and gray blouse, her golden hair falling down her back as she stood over the stove. The smell of her delicious cooking filled my nostrils. "Don't forget about our meeting with your date, honey, so don't stay out too late," she reminded me, looking past her shoulder to quickly glance in my direction. "Cute jacket."

Grabbing a cookie from the tray on the counter, I took a big bite as I jumped on a high stool. I shook my head. "We won't. It's Faust's—the guy you'll meet tonight. Mom, I just want to say that I love you and I would really appreciate it if you could not embarrass me during those few minutes you'll be talking with him."

"It's in the job description as parents, kid, you'll have to accept that," my father said, entering the kitchen from his study and quickly kissing my mother's cheek. "I hope you're not too mad about us wanting to meet this boy immediately," he told me softly.

"It's fine, Dad. Faust is fine with it, too."

"Good. We'll see you again later, then."

I nodded in response, and loud footsteps emerged from the staircase. Since the team would be changing in the locker rooms before the game started, Theo was in his school shirt and sweatpants with a sports bag slung across his shoulder. His eyes fixed me with a neutral expression, only glancing over the jacket once before asking, "Ready to go?"

Not detecting any sign of anger, I exhaled in relief as I jumped off the stool and took another bite from the apple. As I bent down to shoulder my bag, my parents bid Theo good luck before we exited the house and entered his car.

"At least cheer for me too," Theo said quietly once he backed out of the driveway, not looking in my direction. "Let me believe that you're coming to this game for me as well, and not only for him."

I bit back the feeling of guilt that quickly coursed through my veins. "I am. I'm going for both of you."

He nodded, keeping his eyes on the road with his lips pressed into a tight line.

We rode the rest of the way to school in silence.


The gymnasium was jam-packed with students—loud cheers and laughs circulating the atmosphere with excitement and hype for the upcoming game. I'd hugged Theo before he disappeared into the locker room, wishing him luck as he left me alone in the sea of Northvale and East Hampton supporters and basketball enthusiasts.

It didn't help that the Northvale students were stealing glances at the jacket I wore. I couldn't blame them—it had been a legendary icon of the greatest basketball team Northvale had ever seen, and it even had Faust's last name at the back and the number eleven on its lapel. Although the stares and the whispers as I passed by made me slightly uneasy, the pride in my chest for being able to wear it and support Faust outweighed the uncomfortable feeling.

Because I was sure I was going to lose all of my energy cheering at the game, I set out for the vending machine by the empty hallway at the entrance of the gym for some M&M's. I held the pack of the button-shaped chocolates to place in my bag, and before I could turn around, two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind, and I immediately leaned against the familiar warmth, my head fitting perfectly against the crook of his shoulder.

"Where's my good luck kiss?" he whispered, softly pressing a kiss by the shell of my ear.

"I was about to look for you—"

Faust hummed, gently spinning me around and backing me up against the wall beside the vending machine. "Keep looking at me like that, Thea, and I'll never make it to my game."

I grinned, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him towards me, lightly pressing our foreheads together. "We wouldn't want Northvale to lose its legendary player."

Faust reached a hand out, tenderly cupping my cheek and leaning down to quickly give me a soft, slow kiss. "You look gorgeous. I love my jacket on you."

"Of course you do," I murmured. "Shoot for me, will you?"

With a grin, he stepped forward once again to gently kiss my forehead. "Will do. I'll see you after the game."

Faust left first. When I made my way back to the bleachers, I spotted Sutton and Ezra with a few of our other staff members, and I took a seat beside Tara just as the game was about to start.

The brunette gasped as soon as she recognized what I was wearing. "Is that—"

"It is," Sutton confirmed with a smug smile.

Leslie leaned over to ask incredulously, "You're dating Faust Carter?"

"She is," Ben answered before I could open my mouth. "Let's write an article about this."

"Let's not," Ezra said, punching Ben's shoulder.

Tara still had her wide eyes trained onto the jacket, disbelief and amazement written all over her features. "Thea, y-you—"

"Look a little flushed," Sutton continued instead, raising an eyebrow at me. "Are you okay?"

Thankful for the topic drop, I nodded, pulling out the pack of M&M's. "This got stuck so I had to kick the vending machine."

Sutton shook her head with a knowing smirk as the whistle blew.


what was your first kiss like and at what age did you have it? :)

Letterman JacketWhere stories live. Discover now