20.5 / thirty-eight days before

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I wrapped my green parka around myself tighter as Nico and I exited the school gates. He walked a few steps ahead, posture tense and stiff as he led the way. Following him, I sighed and kept my head down as I walked, wishing JJ hadn't forced him to take me if he didn't want to.

Not noticing that Nico had abruptly halted, I bumped into his back and stumbled on my feet, but he held out a hand to reach my wrist from behind and keep me steady. "What—"

Nico pushed me until I was completely covered by his stature, and I let out a surprised gasp. "Get yourself off my car."

I peered around Nico's shoulders to see who he was talking to. A man a couple of inches taller than Nico leaned against the gray Honda Civic with his arms crossed. Atop his head was a black ball cap, and on his face was a ghost of a smile. "Nice to see you too, Romero."

"I'd say the same, but we both know I'd be lying," Nico answered stiffly, his back tensing as he kept his protective stance over me. "You're in Northvale territory. Leave."

The man straightened up and slung the ball cap backwards on his head. His eyes flashed towards me.

And then I saw it—the jagged scar that ran from the bottom of his left eye down to his chin.

"Carter's girl, is it?" he asked, cocking his head to the side. "This your new owner, Romero?"

"I suggest you shut up now before I haul your ass out of Northvale," Nico snarled, his free hand curling into a fist. The one holding my wrist tightened its grip. "We let you down easy during our last game, Sullivan. We'll see you and your team by the bleachers during the state champs."

Sullivan merely smirked. "Don't get too cocky. I was just wondering who the reason was for the fuss with my boys. I think you'd be happy to know they received their punishment well. Thea, right?"

"Don't talk to her," Nico said, voice dropping lower. More dangerous. "Teach your boys to start being men. Then maybe Faust and I will consider talking to you."

Before Sullivan could say another word, Nico shoved him backwards and threw open the passenger door, barking at me to get in. Shaking, I slipped in quickly, and the green-eyed boy slammed it closed, making me flinch. The look in Nico's eyes sent chills down my spine as he stared at Sullivan and rounded the car. He slammed the door again, revved the engine and drove off. Sullivan watched us leave.

I gripped the edge of my seat as Nico increased his speed. My heart hammered against my chest. "Nico, slow down. Slow down! You're going to kill us!"

He swerved the car across lanes. Vehicles behind us honked their horns. "Don't be so dramatic, princess," he bit out with a humorless laughing. He slowed down a little. "Better?"

Not really. I clutched the front of my shirt as I tried to regain my breathing. "I get that you're pissed because of that Sullivan guy...whatever he did and said, but—"

"Shut up before I throw you out of the car myself," Nico snapped and I recoiled, biting my lip. "You don't get anything, you don't say anything, and you won't ask Faust questions about this. Understood?"

I clenched my jaw. "Stop ordering me around."

"Stop being so difficult. I don't even get why Faust puts up with your stubborn ass. You've brought him and us nothing but trouble."

"Me?" I asked incredulously, drawing my eyebrows together as I stared at Nico's side profile. He kept his eyes on the road and gritted his teeth. "I never asked you or JJ or Paula to do anything about this. I told my brother to leave it alone. If anything, Faust was the reason why those comments about me started anyway!"

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