Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of a large vehicle moving. I sat up in my (F/C) bed and stretched. Then I turned and looked out the window. "Oh my Irene," I mumble. There was a moving van across the street. Then I quickly checked the time. Oh my gosh I can't believe I slept in till three! Well I was up all night making that wedding cake for Miss. Dansy. I thought angrily. I quickly threw on some black sweats and a (S/F/C) tank top and walked outside. Across the street were three girls staring at their new house. One with raven black hair, one with light blue hair, and one with a light pink hair. I normally like to take notice of people's hair, but screw that information. I could only see the back of them, but they seemed familiar to me. I shrugged off the feeling.

"Wow this place is amazing," the pink haired girl gawked. Her voice was somewhat high pitched and once again she seemed familiar.

"Heh, right? I knew you girls would like it," the girl with black hair said, I could almost see the smirk on her face.

"Are you sure we can afford this place?" The blue haired girl asked. She turned around and I gasped, Katelyn, but she hadn't seen me yet.

"Yes, I'm sure," the black haired girl, who I assumed by now was Aphmau, replied. Ah, never thought I'd see the day where she'd move in with these two dorks. I was just about to walk up to them when I thought of a more... fun idea.

"What do you even do for a living?" Katelyn asked.

"Uh, well," I guess that caught her off guard, "uh, it's uh it's a night job, and uh I really don't want to talk about it, because I don't want word to get around to Garroth and Laurence." They still stuck around her huh? I would hate to be, Aph right now. "Um if they found out uh, they would be so mad."

"Waa! You can't trust us!?" Kawaii~Chan whined.

"Kawaii~Chan! You're the one who was snapping pictures of me and Aaron on the side. Of course I don't trust you!" Aphmau snapped. I giggled quietly. "But I'll live with you."

"Aww, poo."

"Heh, fine keep it a secret we live with you now, so we'll find out eventually," Katelyn smirked. I smiled to myself, she has not changed. Has she?

"B-But, Katelyn~Sama, Kawaii~Chan wants to know now."

"Patients, Kawaii~Chan, let's play Aphmau's game, if she's keeping it a secret then this is gonna be good," then Katelyn turned around again and walked inside their new house. I can not believe my old high school friends are moving in on the same street! Wait, but didn't, Aphmau say she'd never want to live with them in like high school or something? Hmm, oh well.

"Uh... okay? What did she mean by that?" Aphmau asked. I was starting to get antsy by now. I couldn't stop moving my legs.

"Oooh, you know, Katelyn~Sama... she just likes to get in a snarky remark. She does that... a lot... to our customers at the restaurant, which is why she always gets in a bad tips, hehe. In any case... we should start unpacking and picking our rooms. Katelyn~Sama and Kawaii~Chan both agreed before we came out here that since, Aphmau~Senpai is paying more on the rent, you should have the biggest room if she wants!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.

"Uh what? No, no, Kawaii~Chan, I'm fine with whatever!" Modest as ever.

"Aphmau~Senpai, stop being so modest! You were the one that found the house and did all the work to get it! You deserve to have the biggest room! Trust Kawaii~Chan, she and Katelyn~Sama don't mind at all! Now go on and pick! Kawaii~Chan, is going to be here to get her stuff down!" Kawaii~Chan smiled brightly and opened the van.

Loving the Ro'Meave Girl///Book 1Where stories live. Discover now